Warriors Arise: June 6th, 2020
"...but Him they did not see." Luke 24:24b
The "Him" in this Scripture is referring to Jesus. The "they" in this Scripture is referring to Peter and John, the disciples who went to the tomb after being told Jesus was alive and they were to meet Him in Galilee.
Sometimes people question if their prayers really matter; did they really accomplish anything? Was the enemy stopped? Did God show up? Prayer is a walk of faith. I remember when I asking these question years ago. I felt God respond, "If you hadn't prayed then things would have been a whole lot worse. I called several to pray tonight but not all responded. If they had all responded this would have been stopped completely."
I really like the Jason Bourne movies. He is a spy for the United States of America. When they needed him to do a job they would call him on the cell phone and send the information. He would text back confirmation. When I was watching one of these spy movies, I felt God say, "When I see the devil's plans, I alert My prayer warriors. Those who begin to pray are like Jason Bourne. They are assassins to the enemy's plans."
Those who are prayer warriors use their prayers not against people but against the plans of the enemy. Ephesians 6:12 "For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of the age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places." The enemy likes to work behind the scenes. He is an opportunist. People can be out to do a good thing and the enemy comes in to destroy what was good. For instance, the peaceful protests were a good thing until the enemy came in and manipulated others into riots and looting. The Apostle Paul shared Jesus, the entire city coming to know Jesus. Then a merchant who saw he would be losing a lot of money because if everyone served God then no one would be buying his statues of Diana/Artemis. So the merchant started a riot that nearly killed the Apostle Paul (see Acts 19).
Even if I do not see God at work, even if my prayers are not answered, even it the enemies plans are not completely demolished, I have obeyed God and responded in prayer to the need at hand. It isn't my responsibility to do the miraculous; it is God's. It isn't my responsibility to know what the right thing is to be done; it is God's. It isn't my responsibility to to challenge the enemy; it is God's.
When we pray, God hears our prayers. He knows we care about what He cares about. He knows we believe Him, believe He can and believe He will. Our prayers say, we believe God's love never fails. Our prayers say we believe God hears us. Our prayer say we believe God is the supreme authority in a situation.
These two disciples walking from Jerusalem to Emmaus, they didn't recognize that is what Jesus who was walking with them. Peter and John did not see Jesus at the tomb, but after they left Mary Magdalene sees Jesus, after He calls her name. The fact remains, the message from the first angel was for the disciples to meet Jesus in Galilee. The disciples act of faith would have been to go where Jesus said He would meet them. Sometimes our faith can be challenged; because we want God to speak to us the same way He speaks to someone else. Sometimes our faith is challenged because we want God to reveal Himself to us the same way He reveals Himself to someone else. These challenges steal our faith, to keep us from doing what we know God has told us to do. Will we follow based on the word God has given to us? The three women who went to the tomb had no reason to want the disciples to leave. They would not have sent them off to Galilee. They would have wanted at least one of them to lead them, encourage them through this time, and continue to teach them of the ways of Jesus.
How willing are you to do as the Father directs, at the time the Father tells you? This is the power of the prayer warrior.
Father, it is an honor, especially at this time, in our world's life-threatening events, to be a part of praying Your will be done. You are good and lead us into triumph. Your power puts shackles on the enemy and keeps Him silent. Your love never fails; it reaches to the depths of the hurting and makes each one whole again. Your joy brings strength to the weary. Your Word bring clarity, distinguishing truth from lies. Your peace settles our hearts, keeps us calm, and moving forward in prayer. I ask for You to come and minister to the broken hearted. I ask for You to speak life to the hurting. I ask for You to speak peace to the disturbed in spirit. I ask for You to make the crooked places straight and a way through the wilderness. People are lost and being led to the slaughter. I ask for their ears to be open and for each one to follow Your voice, leading them out of harms way. I thank you for each believer who has sought You in the secret place, praying heal for those infected by the coronavirus. They have prayed for lies to be cast into the pit and for truth to prevail. They have prayed for Your people to receive provision during this pandemic. They have prayed. I am so thankful, I am not alone. Not only are You with me every time I pray, but I know believers all around the world are praying; because each one knows Your love never fails. I pray Your kingdom come, Your will be done in Jesus' name amen.
A Warrior in the Lord’s Army,
Veridee Joy
My hope is for believers in Jesus Christ to join together each day to pray, to push back the enemy as we release God’s power here on earth against the coronavirus. The prayers will be listed each day as Warriors Arise. I will put a date with it so we can keep them straight. If you have any questions please feel free to make a comment or private message me. If you would like this to come to your email directly please go to verideehand.com and subscribe.