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Writer's pictureVeridee Hand

But We Were Hoping...

Warriors Arise: June 4th, 2020

"But we were hoping that it was He who was going to redeem Israel..."

Luke 24:21a

Jesus had been teaching His disciples for over three years. He had been teaching them how to pray. He had blessed and commissioned them to heal the sick, cleanse the leapers and cast out demons. He told them freely they have received now freely give. According to Scripture we know Jesus had raised at least two people from the dead. Jesus did not accuse those in sin even when caught in the act of sin. Jesus would not throw the first stone. So many reported about Jesus and didn't tell the truth. Even in Jesus' day, people had been paid off to lie about Him. Jesus talked about redemption but it was to redeem Israel from their sin not overthrow the governing authority. Jesus told Peter to go pay their taxes, "Rend unto Caesar what is Caesar's." Just like the chief priests, elders, Pharasees and Saducees, the disciples also wanted a Jesus to be an earthly king. What good would an earthly king have done when they needed a Savior. Their sin was keeping them from a relationship with God. The only way they were going to defeat the devil and get out from under his control was to confess their sin and receive Jesus as their Lord and Savior. But they were blinded by what they wanted Jesus to be, instead of seeing who Jesus was.

My heart is heavy and it isn't just for Americans. It is because people are being pushed by lies and emotionally responding by taking matters into their own hands. The innocent are still being killed, not protected. As of this afternoon, six polices officers have been killed at the "peaceful protests." Even in the Old Testament before the blood fo Jesus, before grace, God said an eye for an eye and now we have six police officers dead. Some may be saying, the police won't protect us so we will protect ourselves but by exercise their right to freedom of speech through rioting and killing. The count tallies up every hour for the number of business owners who have lost everything and some their lives from the "peaceful" protests. They aren't even killing those they are mad at, but killing those they supposedly are fighting for; the truck driver who stopped to allow the protesters to continue. He was dragged out of his truck and beaten up. According to what the Civil Rights Museum shares about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., I suspect he is heartbroken in heaven. He and Jesus share this in common, "They didn't get it. They didn't understand what I was doing. I shared, taught, and educated my inner circle into successful leaders and they didn't understand."

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. could totally identify with what Jesus was going through. All the good Jesus did in His time and what He was leading them to do was questioned upon His death. Same with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. They both led peaceful demonstrations and were resisted by governing authorities. They both had followers who were struggling with how to move forward, carrying what Jesus and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. started in their own time.

Jesus wanted to bring freedom for all people. It wasn't a freedom from governing authorities, but is was from demonic control. This freedom would get them out of the clutches of devil and empower them to live the abundant life Jesus died to give them. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. wanted to bring freedom from the overbearing injustices black people were facing in his time. He not only had to keep training the people who were apart of the civil rights movement but he had a foreigner come promoting violent actions through the Black Panthers. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said that the Black Panthers were undermining the advancement of the civil rights movement.

The same is happening today. These peaceful protests start out in the positive but then the riots start. I am concerned for my black friends, their businesses and homes. I am concerned for their lives and their children. I am concerned because this all started kind of like the coronavirus and there isn't a sound plan in place. A plan for what is to be accomplished by the protests is not established. The police officer who killed George Floyd is in jail and as an American he gets a trial. The hard part will be finding an unbiased jury. Therefore, through all of this, he may not go to prison any time soon because of the media, protests, and riots. What a travesty. The innocent lives being killed every day through the riots. The businesses of innocent people being stolen from them. The homes of innocent people being vandalized. The lives of the passer-by being abused in the name of peaceful protests. We must call things for what they are. I wish there could be peaceful protests but it isn't working. We must call it what it is. All black lives matter not just George Floyd. All lives matter to God. He sent His Son for all lives. Jesus died so that none would perish, sealing their lives in hell for eternity.

You may think there is so much to pray for and you would be right. However, the one thing that is more important than any other is that when people go out tomorrow they know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, because no one is safe. When the devil gets people thinking from their emotions, their emotions begin to take over what they are thinking. Their emotions overrule their mind and they are not in their right minds. They can't think straight.

Prayer is not a waist of time. For those of you who have been praying with Warriors Arise; we have been releasing God into many lives. So many more could be dead and aren't because of our prayers. So many have been healed from the coronavirus because of our prayers. So many businesses have been by-passed because of our prayers. Things could be worse. We must keep praying. People ultimately have the choice but we want God to be present and give them an alternative, a way out. We want each one to hear Jesus speak above the storm, "Peace, Be still!"

Father, I come before You knowing people have lost their lives today, their businesses, their homes, and friends because of the protests. I ask for You to come and speak into the lives of those setting up the protests for today. I ask for You to steal their thunder as You speak, "Peace. Be still!" I ask for the emotional anger to dissipate. Everyone on the face of the earth has been judged one way or another whether it be because they are too rich, too poor, too ugly, too beautiful, too fat, too skinny, too sensitive, too strong. Everyone has been judged by someone. This judgement causes us to feel measured in a way we were never meant to be measured and it devalues who You created us to be. I ask tonight for You to intervene. I ask for You to come and speak over Your people. I ask for You to speak Your approval into the very depth of our beings. I ask for You to speak life into our body, soul, and spirit. I ask for You to show us who You created us to be. No human may ever agree with what You have called us to do. No human may ever appreciate who you created us to be. They will have to live with their opinions. But I ask for each person to know Who you created them to be. I ask when they know who You created them to be, they begin to walk as a Child of the Most High God. I ask when they know what they were created to do, they begin to advance Your kingdom here on earth. We need You to come and speak life into each person. I ask for each one to know that they matter to You. People without Jesus will walk in darkness and the darkness will consume them. I ask for You to turn on a light. I ask for You to walk through the crowd and shine Your light so they can think straight. I pray for clarity to come in Jesus' name. I pray for healing in their body, soul, and spirit to be released in Jesus' name. I pray for the lies of the enemy to be muted in Jesus' name. I release the truth of who You are and Your love for each one in Jesus' name. I ask for the peace of God to settle over the hearts of every person in Jesus' name amen.

A Warrior in the Lord’s Army,

Veridee Joy

My hope is for believers in Jesus Christ to join together each day to pray, to push back the enemy as we release God’s power here on earth against the coronavirus. The prayers will be listed each day as Warriors Arise. I will put a date with it so we can keep them straight. If you have any questions please feel free to make a comment or private message me. If you would like this to come to your email directly please go to and subscribe.

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