Warriors Arise: July 5, 2023
Matthew 3:13-14 (NKJV) Then Jesus came from Galilee to John at the Jordan to be baptized by him. 14 And John tried to prevent Him, saying, “I need to be baptized by You, and are You coming to me?”
Have you ever tried to stop God? John tried "to prevent Him." God says He is going to do something for you, but you make excuses as to why "He should do it for someone else or you tell Him you are worthy enough or this is too much or you are but His servant or He can't give you something that nice." John couldn't stop what God wanted to happen. God is the One who sent Jesus to John. Jesus was in complete obedience with the Father. He would do as the Father had said. Jesus didn't tell God, His Father, "No." He didn't say, "But I am Your Son, why do I have to let John baptize me? Who baptized him? Is he worthy to do this? Does he know I am more important than him?"
Jesus could have had those thoughts on the way to the Jordan, but it wouldn't line up with the character He displays throughout His life. He didn't take other people's position. He didn't try to "one-up" people God had chosen. He honored John, because He knew John was the forerunner for Him. He knew John had to be doing exactly what he was doing. He had to preach repentance. He grasped ahold of water baptism and its importance. He was bold enough to shout it out and tell anyone who would listen. John was doing what He was born to do. Jesus wasn't going to "one-up" him and take it away. Jesus honored what John had been doing even before He was able to step into ministry. I imagine Jesus bursting at the seams as he heard John calling out to the crowd. Jesus was probably some distance away and saw people leaving, headed back home. Some were those who had received John's message and Jesus rejoiced in His heart. It would have given such great joy and hope for Him to step into His purpose. He also probably heard the disturbed hearts of the Pharisees and Sadducees, who didn't know what to do with John's message. They didn't like be chastised. They didn't like not being the first to implement something new from God. It seemed that John spoke with such passion and authority, they couldn't wrap their mind around what he was talking about nor what was about to happen. I imagine Jesus' heart wanting to clarify their questions, but He had to wait. He had to follow God's order. He had to go to John and be baptized by him.
It isn't that John didn't want to baptize Jesus, it is that he understood, Jesus was greater than he. He wasn't baptized by anyone. Maybe he dunked himself. Since he takes this stand, trying to prevent baptizing Jesus, he most likely did not have one of his disciples baptize him. He would have been the senior, the one with more authority. This is why he struggled when Jesus comes to be baptized by him. This undid John. How could someone who is greater allow someone who is less than, in position and authority, take the position over the greater? It baffled John. He resisted. When it says he tried to prevent baptizing Jesus, I believe just as passionately as he preached, he also tried to stop God.
This is very similar to Paul when God knocks him off of his horse as he is headed to Damascus to capture those of The Way and God sakes Paul, "Why are you kicking against the goad?" Here, John was resisting, trying to stop what God wanted to happen. With as right as John was in preaching the ned for repentance and water baptiszism, he needed to learn how the one with greater authority can come under and submit to one with less authority. It is a difficult lesson to learn but necessary for us all. It can be difficult to give up a position you have earned and worked hard to develop and become successful but when God says, serve the lesser, we reliush our position, success and authority to honor the one who God has called to do what needs to be done. Jesus honored God. He would not be swayed. He would have John baptize Him. He would not be caught up in the higherarchy of position, influence and authority which would cause Him to not do what God told Him to do. John learned this lesson. Jesus was completely submitted to God's will even when others thought He shouldn't do what God told Him to do. He would not stop God. He would not let John stop God. Just like John did not stop doing what God told him to do. The blessing is in doing what God has called you to do.
There are times when we have been given a specific assignment from God and there will be others who have much more influcence than us and we are not to yield what God has given into our hands to do.
There are times when we have been given a specific assignment from God and there will be others how have much more authority than us and we are not to yield what God has given into our hands to do.
There are others who have been given a specific assignment from God and there will be others who have much more success than us and we are not to yield what God has given into our hands to do.
We can't stop God. When God says it needs to happen than we come into alignment with Him for it to happen as He desires.
Father, thank You for this lesson. Thank You for teaching me to understand to honor authority but to do as You direct. I pray I will not give up what You have given into my hands to do. I pray I will follow through with exactly what You have given me to do. I pray I will not be intimidated by those who have more influence than I do. I pray I will not be apprehensive to do what You have told me to do when there is someone with more authority in the room. I pray I will not hand over to someone who is more successful what You have assigned me to do. I want to be faithful to do exactly what You have given me to do. There are times when there are people who have more influence than me, they have authority beyond my comprehension, and they have success I haven't achieved yet and I feel I should yield to them. God, I want to hear Your voice clearly and stay the course with what You have given into my hands to do. I pray I would be able to honor those who You send to me, to receive what I have and bless their ability to receive what You have given to me to give to them. I will not stop You. I will serve all who You bring my way and honor each one in Jesus' name amen.
A Warrior in the Lord’s Army,
Veridee Joy Hand
Join together as Believers in Jesus Christ to pray and to push back the enemy as we release God’s power here on earth. If you have any questions please feel free to make a comment or private message me. If you would like this to come to your email directly please go to verideehand.com and subscribe.