Warriors Arise: April 25th, 2020
Continuing with the soldiers who were to guard the tomb where Jesus' body had been laid: twice it mentions what the soldiers were given. Matthew 28:12 "...they gave a large sum of money to the soldiers" and in Matthew 28:14 "And if this comes to the governor's ears, we will appease him and make you secure." Most of us live our lives wanting to be financially secure. We don't want to have to worry if we have enough money to pay our bills, housing, food, cell phones, internet and all the other things we deem as necessities. To be given a large sum of money, enough to make one secure, is too good to be true, in most cases. But not this case. We do not hear from these soldiers again. We don't know if Pilate ever called them in for questioning or if they took the money and left town.
There is one catch, they had to live the lie. They could never, under any circumstances, tell what really happened at the tomb. There are times we do not have a problem telling a lie but we find out it is much harder to live the lie for the rest of our days. During this time, we are hearing so many lies. How do you know what to believe? Will you be one who stirs the pot, talking about things you really don't know or will you remove the stick from the pot and let things settle? God will bring you through this.
Whether you choose to believe the coronavirus is a real thing or not really isn't the case. I only bring this point into our prayer strategy because there is talk that this pandemic was all made up. Now that would be amazing! A whole-world lie. So I wonder, if we just need to close our mouth and put a lock on it. Knowing what that would do to the economy let alone should give people the assurance they need that the coronavirus is real, it is deadly, and we aren't quarantined for a hoax. People are pointing fingers at President Trump as if he started the pandemic. That would be political suicide. During Trumps 3 years as President, America was more economically stable than in recent memory. President Trump and his team are working diligently to get Americans through this and back to work.
One thing you have to understand when it comes to prayer; if you get your prayer answered, you may never know what God protected you from. We have been praying together since April 1st, for God to supernaturally heal those infected with the coronavirus, kill the coronavirus, protect those working in the hospitals and give the formula for the cure and vaccine with no negative side affects. For America, to have less outbreaks and deaths from the coronavirus tells me our prayers are working. God is with us. So we pray, everyday, to defeat the enemy who has caused so much uproar, displacement, and chaos to be defeated. I will not be bought, distracted or thrown off track. I know prayer matters. I know God is for us. I know God hears us when we pray. I know God is already at work on our behalf because He demonstrates His love. I will not be deceived by the lies of the media or people with opinions that do not recognize God has protected them.
Father, Your love is amazing! You desire to hear my prayers. You desire to demonstrate Your love for all people. You have met with so many people who have been infected with the coronavirus. I ask for You to continue to reveal Your love to those who are fighting this disease; provide the comfort each family member needs; and please shut the mouths of those who are walking under Your protection and don't even know it. I understand how stressful being quarantined can be; but I also know Your hand of protection is with me and my family. Thank You God for Your strength today. I will not buy into the lie of the enemy. This disease is real and those who have not been infected by it, I specifically ask for You to close their mouths. I ask for them to keep their mouths shut regarding things they do not know. God, it is an insult to those who have lost loved ones to the coronavirus, to hear others say "it isn't real", "we didn't need to quarantine", or "this is all about government control." I rebuke those lies in Jesus' name. I ask for truth to be made known. You are truth. You are hearing our prayers. People are getting healed, jobs are being reserved, provision is being made, and families are embracing a new life, life together. I thank you that Your protection reaches the families where the children have been abused. I thank you for hiding them from their abusers. I ask You to step in and make Your presence known. I ask for the children, teens, young adults who may be in a terrible situation to find You, hear Your voice, and embrace all You have to offer. You can do this. You can make Yourself known and bring hope to these children. Today, I ask for people to trust You, speak what they know to be true, and for each one to know You are here and things are changing in our favor in Jesus' name amen!
A Warrior in the Lord’s Army,
Veridee Joy
My hope is for Believers in Jesus Christ to join together each day to pray, to push back the enemy as we release God’s power here on earth against the coronavirus. The prayers will be listed each day as Warriors Arise. I will put a date with it so we can keep them straight. If you have any questions please feel free to make a comment or private message me. If you would like this to come to your email directly please go to verideehand.com and subscribe.