Warriors Arise: June 11th, 2020
Luke 24:28-29 (NKJV) Then they drew near to the village where they were going, and He indicated that He would have gone farther. 29 But they constrained Him, saying, “Abide with us, for it is toward evening, and the day is far spent.” And He went in to stay with them.
My family gets together and we enjoy playing a different card games. One of the card games we were all taught to play has an indicator bid. This bid would let your partner know what you have. It gives the game more of a "team" mentality, partners are not bidding over top of their partner, but they are bidding to assist their partner. If you are the first bidder you bid 3 therefore indicating that you have an Ace or for a jack in each suit you bid 4. That way if your partner has another jack they can go in a suit and use your jack.
Jesus had walked with these two disciples for quite a long time. Remember, this is the same day Mary Magdalene, Mary and Salome went to the tomb early in the morning to give Jesus a proper Jewish burial with oils and incense. Instead an angel was waiting on them to give them a message to tell the disciples; while they are telling them, Peter and John ran to the tomb with Mary Magdalene close behind. They observed all that the women said to be true but because they were slow to believe they went home to ponder things instead of heading to Galilee, like they were told. Mary stays at the tomb. As she is weeping she looks into the tomb and there are two more angels. They ask her a question, she responds, turns around and Jesus is right in front of her. She doesn't recognize Him until He calls her name. They converse and Jesus sends another message to His disciples. Not the same message but another one. Mary runs to tell the disciples.
It has been a busy day for Jesus, however, it has been emotionally draining on the disciples because they were all slow of heart to believe Moses, the Prophets, what Jesus had told them, and the message the women told them. Mary had shared twice! Jesus joined these two disciples on the road from Jerusalem to Emmaus. Jesus listens to them tell of all that has happened in the last couple of days. Then they tell of the events from earlier in the day. They are astounded by the events the women have experienced and the message they delivered for the disciples.
Jesus would know that they were going to Emmaus and not Galilee, but don't you think He might of had hopes. Jesus didn't give up on the disciples just because they needed time to consider all that had gone on. Their world had just turn upside down and inside out. In 12 hours everything changed. In three days, a miracle happened, a miracle they had yet to fully embrace and believe. He is not dead as they supposed. Jesus in alive!
After Jesus shares Moses and the Prophets, and why the Christ had to suffer, they are near Emmaus. Jesus indicates that He would have gone further. Why did Jesus indicate that He would have gone further?
God is a respecter of all people. He does not "make us," force us, to believe what is true. The Holy Spirit leads us in all truth. When we make Jesus our Lord and Savior, the Holy Spirit becomes our counselor and guide. This is how we can be led into righteousness. The Scripture says in Romans "No one is righteous, no not one." We are righteous because we follow the Holy Spirit and allow Him to lead us. Remember in the game I play with my family, the first bidder indicates. When we follow the Holy Spirit we function from a position of Him indicating what He has so we know how to "bid and play our cards." With an indicator we are not playing alone; we are playing with a partner who has something we need to enhance our advantage over our opponents. We have the opportunity to honor the Holy Spirit by giving Him the seat, in every decision we make, to be first bidder. He indicates what He has for us so we know how to use what He has to make what we have succeed.
Why did Jesus indicate that He would have gone further? My thoughts: God is a respecter of all people. Therefore, if we want more of Him we have to ask. If we want more wisdom, the Bible says to ask. If we want more knowledge the Bible says to ask. If we want more love, we are to allow ourselves to be loved by God. We love as He loves us but if we do not receive His love, then we do not have love to give. If we want peace, we ask and God gives peace. If we want power to overturn the enemy God says He will give it to us generously and freely, as we received we give. If you want a sound mind, all you have to do is ask.
My point, Jesus will not force Himself upon us. Love is not forced. Love is a choice. God can demonstrate HIs love to us every minute of every hour of every day, but if we do not receive it we have nothing. He gave but it didn't even touch us because we we opened our umbrella with a sign on it: "I don't want You!" If we do not choose God, then we miss all the love He is pouring from His heart upon us. Some get a touch of it when they stick their hand out from under the umbrella to feel the rain. We need more than just to touch God's love; we need to position ourselves to receive all of His love. Take the umbrella down and be washed in the love of God.
Jesus had given these two disciples a lot to think about and they wanted more. Jesus had given them an indicator, when He taught them of all Christ had to suffer. He indicated he was going further because they had a choice to make. Would they allow their hearts to believe in Him?
Father, I ask for You to come and open up the floodgates of heaven. I ask for You to pour out your love upon all people. I pray for people all around the world to take down their umbrellas and receive You love. I pray for each one to see You have indicated how they can be made new and whole. You are full of compassion. You see the hurting, the angry, the broken, and the sick. I ask for You to be moved with compassion toward Your people. I pray for each one to not only stick out their hand and touch a drop of rain; but I ask for each one to take down their umbrella and receive Your love. I pray the hurt would be mended, the angry would be loved, the broken would be made whole, and the sick our be made well in the name of Jesus. I ask for each one to have the courage to accept Your mercy. We all have sinned; we all have fallen short but, Jesus came to make up our difference. We could not be a part of Your kingdom if we had not known Your love. I ask for the Holy Spirit to walk among the people, as Jesus walked with the disciples to Emmaus. I ask for the people to receive the truth, grace, mercy and love as they hear why Jesus had to come and suffer. I ask for it to be made known as an indicator in a game. Holy Sprit, You are first bidder. I ask for You to indicate; make the offer to the people of the grace, mercy and love of God. I ask for the people to be ready for Your indication. I ask that they would not pass but make something of what You have indicated in Jesus' name. Let world wide revival be released upon the hearts and minds of each person in Jesus' name amen.
A Warrior in the Lord’s Army,
Veridee Joy
My hope is for Believers in Jesus Christ to join together each day to pray, to push back the enemy as we release God’s power here on earth against the coronavirus. The prayers will be listed each day as Warriors Arise. I will put a date with it so we can keep them straight. If you have any questions please feel free to make a comment or private message me. If you would like this to come to your email directly please go to verideehand.com and subscribe.