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Writer's pictureVeridee Hand

Don't Be Afraid

Warriors Arise: May 15, 2023

Proverbs 31:30-31 (NKJV)

Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing,

But a woman who fears the Lord,

she shall be praised.

31 Give her of the fruit of her hands,

And let her own works praise her in the gates.

When a woman loves the Lord, she wants to please Him. She loves Him not only because He first loved her, but because she see Him as her protector, provider, defender, redeemer, and rescuer. She wants to bring honor to the Lord, because when all else has failed, He gave her wisdom, knowledge, and strategy. When others turned their back on her, He came and placed value upon her. A woman who fears the Lord praises Him unafraid. She is not afraid of Him, she is who she is because of Him; therefore, she desires to do what she does to bring honor, glory and praise to His name.

Having a healthy understanding of fearing the Lord is beneficial to our relationship with God. He doesn't want us to be in fear of Him and what He could do to us. He wants our actions and words to bring reverence to Him. This woman described in Proverbs 31:10-31, knows she has accomplished the things on her list because of the Lord. She knows God gives her wisdom, patience, compassion and generosity to manage a household, be an entrepreneur, build up her husband, and train up her children. She knows without God life would be difficult, even unbearable. She fears the Lord, because she would never want to live a day without Him, His counsel, guidance, direction, favor or grace. Do you start and end your day honoring God, giving praise to Him? My day will always be better when I honor God as I start my day, throughout my day and giving Him praise before I lay my head down. My day will always be more productive when I give God praise in the morning, noontime and before I go to bed. My day will always turn out for my good, because He will be with me as I begin with revering God, ready in a moment to commune with Him throughout my day, and fellowship with Him before the night is over. I speak it out and communicate. I don't allow it to only be floating through my thoughts. Too many times we rely on the fact that God knows everything so He can read my mind; therefore, why do I have to say anything? I have become convicted of my laziness in giving God praise because I would speak it out loud. Do I have to every time? No, but I should speak to God out loud more than I do. He wants to hear me say it. Just like I don't like it when my children want me to read their mind nor do I like to drive in the van completely quiet. I want them to share about their day, what happened good, what was unexpected, where do they need help, how can I encourage them, and dialogue with them. God wants the same thing from us. He doesn't always want praise music playing or a sermon going on. He wants me to speak to Him, with Him, to connect on each part of my day.

I do not fear God, as in being afraid of Him. I fear God in the sense of want to please Him. What I do I want to bring honor, glory and praise to Him. I don't fear God because I know He loves me. I don't abuse His love, I honor His love by receiving it and speak to Him with my words and not just my mind. Blessed are you who fear the Lord and give Him praise.

Father, You are so loving. I am so thankful You want to hear about my day, my concerns, and my joys. I am thankful You want to speak to me. I desire to hear Your voice and fellowship with You. You are amazing in all of Your ways. You lead me, guide me and direct me to the best possible solution. You give me wisdom I do not know, knowledge I do not comprehend, and I have never known such love until You. I desire to give You all honor, praise and glory. I desire to do things that please You. I bless Your Holy Name for You are worthy of my praise. I will worship You from the time I wake up, throughout my day and before I lay my head down at night. I will bring You my praise in Jesus' name amen.

A Warrior in the Lord’s Army,

Veridee Joy Hand

Join together as Believers in Jesus Christ to pray and to push back the enemy as we release God’s power here on earth. If you have any questions please feel free to make a comment or private message me. If you would like this to come to your email directly please go to and subscribe.

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