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Writer's pictureVeridee Hand

Double Take

Warriors Arise: August 7, 2023

Matthew 4:4-5 (NKJV) But He answered and said, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.’ ”

5 Then the devil took Him up into the holy city, set Him on the pinnacle of the temple,

Maybe the devil really wasn't sure Jesus was the Son of God. When Jesus responded, did the devil take a double take? I wonder if he was even looking at Jesus when he asked the question. Then when Jesus responded with Scripture, he looked back at Him to reassess his competition. A couple of times I have underestimated my opponent. I learned no matter what I thought of who I was going to play against, I had to always bring my "A" game.

Maybe He had been looking for so long and all those who had looked like they would be the coming king, weren't, he wasn't sure. Besides, Jesus didn't look like much. He wasn't asking kingly or demanding honor or authority. I really do not know. I believe the Bible is true. I also believe that there would be an enormous amount of books if everything that was said was recorded, so I am willing to consider there might have been other words spoken at this time. However, since it is not written in the Bible, let's stick with the facts.

There is absolutely nothing from Jesus speaking verse four, "It its written, 'Man shall not live by read alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.'" and what next temptation the devil offers. Therefore, this was like a game of chess. Real chess players, in competition, do not talk. They make their move and then keep silent. Too many times, the extra talking can give away your plan. Chess players learn to listen carefully, look at body language and where the eyes go. They do not play too fast because that may give away too much information to their opponent.

This is a similar atmosphere. Jesus isn't going to say more than He has to. He says only what needs to be said. The devil is the opposition, having to defend his title. He has conquered every one else who has said they were the Christ, the Messiah, so far. To him, Jesus may be another contender, but he sure didn't think He was "the" contender, the champion that would take his title.

Instead of engaging Jesus in a debate over Scripture, its validity or context, he moves on. He doesn't say another word about food. He couldn't argue the fact. Those who know how to eat the Word, digest and turn it into strength would only get more powerful by remembering more and more of the Word. Instead of battling Jesus with Scripture on this fact, the devil kept silent and re-evaluated what his next move would be. He didn't want Jesus to continue to speak Scripture.

My personal thoughts; I don't think the devil was prepared for Jesus to engage in this battle with Scripture. It seemed like such an easy win. He said he was hungry and the devil would give him what he wanted, what his body desired in only he would demonstrate his power. The devil wanted to know what he was up against. Could this man be "the" One? He wanted a demonstration of Jesus' power to assess who He was.

Jesus didn't want the devil's food. He was not going to invite the devil to sit down, either! It would not be nourishment to his body. It definitely would not strengthen him in his soul or spirit. You and I need to understand the devil isn't going to feed us anything that will be give us strength in our body, soul, or spirit. The food the devil give us will zap our energy, steal our strength, and cause us to feel apathetic and weak. There are times when the devil speaks and it can trick our mind into feeling strength but it is a strength only because we have yielded to the devil's plan and control. It is a strength that repels others because it is seeped in arrogance, isolation, and control of others.

When the devil tempts you, are you draw upon Scripture? How fast do you have a Scripture ready? We need to get to the point where Scripture flows from our mouth like blood flows through our body. We do not want to be caught every time having to run to our Bible and hunt for the Scripture to stop the onslaught for the battle the devil has begun.

When the temptation has been cast upon you, are you ready with Scripture? Paul tells Timothy he is to be ready to give a Word, in season and out. The Bible tells us the Word of God is a double edged sword. Therefore, we are to be ready with Scripture whenever temptation comes. Jesus didn't turn to the Spirit, "What verse do You have for me?" Jesus heard the devil and released the verse that ended the first round of the battle. I can see the devil doing a double take. His mind must have been whirling, "This man knows how to fight. He knows how to fight me."

Father, I read Your word with the intent to know You, but I also know it is a weapon against the enemy. As I have gotten to know You and Your wonderful ways, amazing love and kindness toward sinners, I have seen how You are faithful. Thank You for Your Word. Thank You for Your love. Thank You for sending Jesus to show us how to use the Word, to bring healing, restoration, redemption, and power, as well as, be a weapon against the enemy. That is so amazing! How can something so full of love also be a deadly weapon? I will read Your Word and keep my sword sharp, near me and ready. The enemy will come again, but he doesn't have to win. I will use what You have placed in my hands to strength my heart and mind to defeat the enemy when he attack in Jesus' name amen.

A Warrior in the Lord’s Army,

Veridee Joy Hand

Join together as Believers in Jesus Christ to pray and to push back the enemy as we release God’s power here on earth. If you have any questions please feel free to make a comment or private message me. If you would like this to come to your email directly please go to and subscribe.

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