Warriors Arise: September 13, 2022
1 Samuel 18:10-11 (NKJV) And it happened on the next day that the distressing spirit from God came upon Saul, and he prophesied inside the house. So David played music with his hand, as at other times; but there was a spear in Saul's hand. 11 And Saul cast the spear, for he said, “I will pin David to the wall!” But David escaped his presence twice.
We can wonder why David escaped twice. What would compel him to return to Saul's presence after he threw the spear the first time? I am guessing the distressing spirit might cause Saul to become violent. Or at least when David was sent in times before, he felt Saul might do something violent. Maybe he thought the distressing spirit had intensified it's attack. Instead of just causing Saul problems, it finally was manifesting and seeking to harm David as well. Maybe David thought Saul threw the spear, because of the distressing spirit, so he returned a second time to see if he could bring relief, so no one else would get hurt. But after the second time, David wasn't willing to take any chances. This wasn't coming from the distressing spirit. This was Saul's willful act. God had given David the ability to sooth the distressing sprit. David's worship could change what Saul willfully wanted to do to harm him.
There are times when we need to escape a situation. God provides an open door and tells us to get out. I think David returned a second time to know if Saul was throwing the spear or if it was a manifestation of the distressing spirit. David trusted God to protect him, but it didn't mean he had to place himself in harms way unnecessarily. David knew who God had called him to be. This was not to be how his story ended.
There is a very thin line between our loyalty to where God has us now and making sure we protect the future God has for us. David was loyal to Saul. He went wherever Saul sent him. David was used to being in battles where his life was in danger. However, this was different. There was no reason he needed to be target practice for a man who was acting out of rage, because of his own insecurities and fears. This was not God and David knew it. He knew this was not the way he was to die. He knew what God had done through Samuel. David would one day be king of Israel. He served Saul and his countrymen well. He led them in battles and God had shown them favor. God had led them in victory. But this was something totally different. David couldn't put his finger on it, but he knew being the target for Saul's spear was not God.
This is where most of us make the mistake of staying too long in a relationship or job that has gone toxic. In either case, the people no longer value what you have to offer. They have forgotten what you have done to honor and bring value to them. They have have forgotten how you have served them faithfully, doing everything they asked you to do. Something in them is causing them to respond in a negative way toward you. This is the key. We need to know if we have done something wrong. If so, we can apologize and make things right; but if the issue lies within them, then we may need to look for the way of escape God provides. It is easier to fight distressing spirits or demons than it is to fight against someone who is willfully in sin and desires to harm you.
David had done nothing wrong. He served Saul and his countrymen faithfully and to the best of his ability. Sometimes our best ability provokes someone who is not doing their best, not offering everything they have, and not stepping into what they are supposed to be doing. When they leave their position and have you fill it, things can get challenging. They, most likely, do not even realize why they are upset. First, because they didn't step up and do what they were supposed to do. Secondly, they are upset, because you were faithful to do what they asked you to do. This makes them look bad. They didn't want to do what they were supposed to do and even though they assigned you to do it, they wanted you to succeed so they don't have to do it; but they didn't want you to succeed, because then everyone will honor you for what you have done.
Hopefully, that didn't bring confusion. Saul didn't do what he was supposed to do. He assigned it to David. David obeyed Saul and did what he was supposed to do; therefore, David was successful and received the honor that would have been given to Saul if he had done what he was supposed to do. So, Saul is angry. He is caught in his own issue. It can be where authorities over us and those we are in relationship with wish we wouldn't have been successful, because it exposed their sin, the sin of omission. But God intervened. He made a way of escape for David. David got out of the room before Saul could pin him to the wall.
Sometimes God's protection is to make a way out for us. It can be difficult to leave. Up to this point, David had been the only one who could bring Saul relief and the distressing spirit would leave. If David didn't stay, how would Saul ever find relief. How much worse could it get if no one could help bring Saul relief? Who would be hurt or killed if David didn't stay?
The second time David had to elude the spear, I think he knew, this wasn't an act of the distressing spirit. This was intentional. It was Saul, himself, purposefully intending to kill David. God will give us discernment. He will give us wisdom. The Bible tells us all we have to do is ask for wisdom and He will give it liberally.
We may be so connected in a particular relationship that we can't see ourselves leaving, but God says that relationship is toxic, it will lead to the death of the calling upon our life if we remain. We may be so secure and comfortable in our position at work that we refuse to see our time is over. Saul no longer received ministry from David. He didn't want what David had to offer. He didn't want the distressing spirit to go. He wanted to kill David. He saw David as the problem. He didn't see the problem was himself. He had the issue. He was in pride. He didn't like that others sung the praises of what David had accomplished. He didn't like that David was getting more recognition than him. He whined about it. He stewed over it. He wouldn't give honor where honor was due. Therefore, he acted wickedly. He tried to kill David. He tried to pin him to the wall. If he had succeeded, he could blame it on the distressing spirit. No one would have questioned him. They all would've thought the situation had escalated beyond what David had been gifted to do before. They would've thought God no longer gave David the ability to sooth the distressing spirit. But David did escape. And when he did, it exposed the heart of Saul.
When David eluded the spear, I do not think David was doing anything but trying to save his own life. However, we can't ignore what was exposed when David no longer allowed himself to be target practice.
It amazes me how we think someone should stick it out, go back, let people run over them, let them stir up lies about them or even pin their issues on us. Maybe you have been the target for others. They won't face their own sin, because they so easily cover their own sin by blaming you. Have you been blamed for something that wasn't your fault. Have you served authorities over you well, only to have them turn on you? Have you been loyal to friends and they begin to blame you for their problems? It happens. We are all human. If we do not walk in our own shoes, do what God has called us to do, take responsibility for what is ours to do and stop instructing others to do it, our loyalty to them and to honoring God will expose their sin. No one likes to be confronted with their sin. But when we are, we still have a choice. We can either honor the person who we have had do our responsibility and then step back into our position or we can put a target on them. This target is a way of discrediting them.
David would not be the target. Saul would have to own his ugly. David would not fight Saul. Later, we can read how David refused over and over again to receive the blame for Saul's issues.
Father, I no longer want to be target practice for someone who refuses to take responsibility for what is their issue. I will serve faithfully. I will honor You. I will not take the blame for what is another person's sin. I will not remain in a situation that is toxic. I will not allow my calling to be killed, because they aren't stepping into their calling and do what You have given into their hands to do. I will serve You faithfully. I will follow Your lead. I will know when I have tried and it is no longer my responsibility to prop them up, to make them look good, to do what is theirs to do. I will protect the calling You have on my life. I will not allow their sin to contaminate my calling. I will protect what You have given me. I will serve who You want me to serve. I will serve where You want me to serve. I will serve when You want me to serve. I will fulfill my calling. I will not sacrifice my calling for another who is in sin. You are my God and no matter how safe or comfortable the place may be, I will not allow that place to kill my destiny. I will rise up and take the way of escape You have provided in Jesus' name amen.
A Warrior in the Lord’s Army,
Veridee Joy Hand
Join together as Believers in Jesus Christ to pray and to push back the enemy as we release God’s power here on earth. If you have any questions please feel free to make a comment or private message me. If you would like this to come to your email directly please go to verideehand.com and subscribe.