Warriors Arise: February 14, 2021
Daniel 5:24 (NKJV) Then the fingers of the hand were sent from Him, and this writing was written.
My mind is blown. I have a difficult time grasping the hand of God writing on the wall. Think about it. Belshazzar is in the middle of hosting a great feast (verse 1). God writes the message Himself. Some might argue that God doesn't love Belshazzar, ruthlessly sending this message, scaring him to the point of his knees knocking against each other (verse 6), and at a loss when none of his wisemen can tell him what the writing on the wall means (verse 8).
Daniel says God wrote this. It was God's finger Belshazzar saw writing the message to him. Why would God go to all that trouble just to pronounce judgement upon Belshazzar. It was a message from God but I believe it was God's love. He tried to reach Belshazzar but he would not listen. God positioned the queen to remember Daniel and have him brought before the king. This was not the first time Daniel had been positioned by God to give warning to a pagan king.
Have you heard someone say: "Well if God Himself would come and speak to me then I would follow." Or "It would take an act of God for me to change my mind." How about, "If God were to speak to me through burning bush, then I would know it was God."
When I hear people say those kind of comments it breaks my heart. Even now tears come to my eyes and I hurt for them. Most of the time, people who say those comments wouldn't recognize the voice of God if He spoke to them. They wouldn't see the act of God as coming from God but as a coincidence. It they saw a burning bush they would not recognize they were on Holy Ground. Until our heart is willing to hear from God, we wouldn't. When our mind is closed off to God intervening supernaturally we fail to see the miraculous.
God is speaking to His people all the time if we just would position ourselves to listen. God is doing the miraculous, if we would just acknowledge that the something that happened, God intervened. He moved on people, people like Daniel to step in and interpret the enigma. In Belshazzar's case, he wasn't a believer. He knew God's involvement in Nebuchadnezzar's life and still he would not acknowledge God. He knew God was real, because it wasn't just a writing on the wall, it was a God's finger writing on the wall. He didn't just look up from his wine glass and see the words, he actually saw the words being written on the wall.
God wanted to be seen by Belshazzar. God wanted him to know this was it; this was for real, and the change had to happen immediately.
How about for you? What is God saying to you? What has to happen immediately? What change do you need to make today? Will you acknowledge God is speaking to our nation? We must repent of our sins and make a change in our lives immediately. We must put first the things in our life God has said to put first.
Father, I ask for you to come and speak to each one of us. Honestly, I don't want to see the writing on the wall. It may seem cool to some, but I know if I were to see that, I am in serious trouble. There would be no time but to fall on our faces and seek forgiveness. I ask for You to come. Lives are at stake. I pray for the lives of the unborn babies. I ask for Your hand of protection to encourage women not to treat life with such little value. I pray each one would see the value Jesus Christ placed for each one of them. I pray for purity to sweep our nation. I pray we would not give into the lusts of the flesh. I pray we would submit to You, reject the enemy and see him flee from us. I ask for people to want to know the truth. When one is speaking the truth for everyone to listen and heed the word. I pray for each one to repent for their own sins and seek You, to imitate You in all they do. I pray for corruption to go in the name of Jesus. I pray for responsibility and integrity to matter. I pray for people to want to give a solid day of work and get paid for it. I pray instead of having jobs taken away from Americans that jobs would be restored and established for Americans. I pray for elected officials from the executive branch, legislative branch and the judicial system to seek Your face and listen to Your voice. I pray they would desire the truth. I ask for all treason to be made known, exposed and convicted. I ask for the righteous to rise up and fill in the gaps. I pray for Your kingdom to come and Your will to be done in Jesus' name amen.
A Warrior in the Lord’s Army,
Veridee Joy Hand
My hope is for Believers in Jesus Christ to join together each day to pray, to push back the enemy as we release God’s power here on earth against the coronavirus, riots, and lies. The prayers will be listed each day as Warriors Arise. I will put a date with it so we can keep them straight. If you have any questions please feel free to make a comment or private message me. If you would like this to come to your email directly please go to verideehand.com and subscribe.