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Writer's pictureVeridee Hand

Hard Core Baby!

Warriors Arise: February 18, 2021

Daniel 5:26-28 (NKJV) 26 This is the interpretation of each word. Mene: God has numbered your kingdom, and finished it; 27 Tekel: You have been weighed in the balances, and found wanting; 28 Peres: Your kingdom has been divided, and given to the Medes and Persians.

I open my Bible to start today's blog and my breath is taken away as the thought of what Daniel is telling Belshazzar runs through my mind. Really, my mind is baffled. I struggle to comprehend how Belshazzar is unmoved by what Daniel is saying. Does he believe what Daniel is saying?

  • Is his mind so closed off that he doesn't comprehend anyone being more powerful than he?

  • Is his heart so cold that he has no concern for what it will do to the kingdom, his people?

  • Has his arrogance so blinded him to how wicked he has become?

I wonder if his position has caused him to have no reason to think he is responsible for what he has done to blaspheme God. Maybe he has been brought up to believe, even if he does wrong, he is king and there are no repercussions. Which would give us understanding why God did this grand gesture, the enigma.

Throughout this past year, especially when the coronavirus hit, I have been praying for the hardhearted, the close-minded, the intelligent and arrogant to know God. You have prayed with me for their hearts to receive Jesus, to see God in the room ready to bring healing to their bodies, if they will just acknowledge Him.

Have you given a gift to someone who didn't want what you had to offer? Maybe they were mad at you or jealous so they hardened their heart and refused to receive the gift you were prepared to give them. This is an example of someone who has a hard heart. We are to pray their heart will soften in the presence of God.

Have you tried to share with someone the truth, hard core facts about something but they have their mind made up. They don't want the facts because they have bought into the spinning web of opinions. They ignore the facts because they have believe the lie they can't identify the truth. This is why we continue to pray for God to speak to their mind, so they can know the truth and be set free from the lies.

Have you spoken to someone who is so intelligent they have an answer for everything? When you try to share with them they already have the answer before you finish speaking. For the most part, they are not wrong. But they also are unwilling to listen to anyone who might actually know what they are talking about. They are unteachable, unless it is someone they admire. The problem is, the more they remain in this mindset, the less they admire about others because they rely solely upon themselves. We have to pray for them. There is nothing wrong with intelligence, until you are unwilling to hear wisdom. Wisdom is something beyond a learned knowledge. Wisdom is in-the-moment knowing of what to do regardless of what has always been done in the past as well as because of what has been done in the past. We have prayed for people who are intelligent; they are book smart but needed someone who would be in-the-moment operating in godly wisdom for the COVID-19 vaccine, handling and stopping the riots, protecting our police officers who protect the American people, recognizing the fraud throughout the election process, and create unity instead of division as our American rights are protected.

Have you come face to face with the arrogant? There are times when we can tolerate the arrogant but generally we are counting the minutes until we no longer have to be in their presence or we are counting the days when they move on or we get the opportunity to move on.

The arrogant have no regard for others. They do not understand team, but what they do understand is without their ability to throw around their weight they have little value. I have learned through the years those who act like they are something struggle to believe they are significant. The irony of the situation. They have no idea how to be happy because they are not true to themselves, to who God made them to be nor to those God has put around them. When we live thinking more highly of ourselves than we ought, there is an emptiness that is created by all the hot air we have blown. We think just keep blowing, just keep tooting my own horn and eventually the balloon will pop and they see how empty they are. What was so big and beautiful is now shattered and can never be put back together. We have prayed for the arrogant to humble themselves before God. We have prayed they would stop blaming others and take responsibility for their wickedness, their lies, their treason, their fraud that has stolen from the American people. Their arrogance has put the lives of our American soldiers in danger. Their arrogance has killed our police officers. Their arrogance has allowed unborn babies to be killed with the snap of the neck. Arrogance always breeds devaluing the possibilities others have to offer. Arrogance gives people the false sense that they are god.

Mene: God has numbered your kingdom, and finished it.

I read this and think why wouldn't Belshazzar repent! We can pray for God to intervene but ultimately the decision is up to each individual. Because even though they are faced with the truth of their ways they must humble themselves and repent to God. God will not make them repent, because love is a choice. They must choose God rather than themselves, their intelligence, and their arrogance.

Father, I ask for You to continue to put the truth in front of those who are arrogant. I pray they would value those you have put around them. I pray they would honor You as their God. I pray they would give value to the people around them, their spouse, children, parents, and co-workers. I pray they would repent for their arrogance, honor You and those You have put in their life. I pray for those who are locked into their own intelligence to be teachable by the Word of God and specifically be led in wisdom by You. I pray each one would repent for rejecting the wisdom You offer to enhance their intelligence. I ask for You to minister Your love to the hard hearted. I pray they would receive Your love and repent for their hardness of heart. I pray they would repent for trying to protect themselves and see how love can flow through them if they will trust You. I pray You would bring people into their lives that will show the value of a heart full of love. I ask for You to unlock the closed minded. I ask for You to give them peace and security through your steady faithfulness. I ask for each one to repent for missing out on all You have wanted to share with them. I pray for You to bring restoration to each life and a love for You and Your people. I ask for You to meet with each one and for them to be ready for their time with You in Jesus' name, amen.

A Warrior in the Lord’s Army,

Veridee Joy Hand

My hope is for Believers in Jesus Christ to join together each day to pray, to push back the enemy as we release God’s power here on earth against the coronavirus, riots, and lies. The prayers will be listed each day as Warriors Arise. I will put a date with it so we can keep them straight. If you have any questions please feel free to make a comment or private message me. If you would like this to come to your email directly please go to and subscribe.

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