Warriors Arise: March 23, 2021
In the meantime, what is Daniel doing? We do not know if Daniel had remained at his house or if they had taken him to prison. We don't even know if Daniel knew why the king was waiting to do what he had to do. Had they already built a bond? Did Daniel have friends in his house that would have told him what the king was doing? Would Daniel have had a friend in the dungeon who would have said, "Daniel, the king is trying to find something to overturn his decree so he doesn't have to cast you into the lion's den."?
Daniel knew the laws, knew King Darius was not the one who could get him out of this situation. He would have known, because his job was to govern. You can't be a leader of leaders in a successful government if you do not know the laws. He was trained to know the law of the land, to take care of governing matters for the king, to keep everyone else doing their job and what was right. Daniel would have known there was no way out; there was only forward.
Daniel also knew, from how the king responded that this was not the king's plan. The king was not out to kill Daniel. You might even wonder if the king intended for anyone to die or just to think that they would be praying to him. However, the king's response gives us insight to the king's heart toward Daniel. Scripture does not say he sent his servants and other governors to find a way to overturn the decree. Scripture says, "set his heart on Daniel to deliver him; and he labored till the going down of the sun to deliver him." The king took responsibility for his actions. Are you surprised?
Talk about a totally different king than Belshazzar! We spent weeks on Daniel and Belshazzar. Daniel wanting, hoping, Belshazzar would turn like Nebuchadnezzar and recognize God had positioned him, but he would not. He blatantly dishonored God. Now, Daniel serves a king who probably doesn't worship God, but his heart is for his people. Where Belshazzar didn't even know who Daniel was until he needed him to interpret the writing on the wall; Darius had made Daniel his chief governor.
While Daniel is waiting, what is he doing. Maybe he is wondering what is taking so long. Remember Scripture tells us Daniel knew what the decree said. He knows the next action is for him to be thrown into the lion's den. But what is taking so long.
Whether Darius can change what was decreed or not, I am thinking Daniel had already put his trust in the Lord his God. Daniel wouldn't be waiting until one of his three times of day to pray, he would be praying. What do you think Daniel was praying?
His life?
His personal strength?
To show courage and trust?
His fellow countrymen?
King Darius to know God?
The nation to know God?
Mercy for the governors and satraps who did this?
Justice for the governors and satraps who did this?
Did he remind God of His promises?
Did he praise God for His deliverance?
Did he thank God for His protection thus far?
Did he speak words of strength and encouragement to all he had influence with?
I do not know what he did in the meantime, while waiting for the guards to throw him into the lion's den; however, I am certain he prayed!
Father, I ask to be faithful to pray for courage, strength and love for myself when I am under attack and a accusation. I ask to be filled with the fullness of Your Spirit so I act nd respond in faith and trust. I ask to have my heart focused on You so I respond in peace. I pray for You to give me courage to trust that You are going to make things work out in my favor. I pray for You to speak words of comfort and strength. I ask to know You deeply. I want to trust You and not be outside of what You would want me to say or do when the pressure haunts me. I want to walk in perfect peace know You are God, second to none and You will deliver me from the hands of the haughty. You will defend me. You will protect me. You will set my feet on higher ground. Thank you for Your amazing love! You strengthen me with Your faithfulness to make sure I am positioned to express Your love to others. I will serve You and draw my strength from You. In my weakness I will know You are God and there is no other. When the enemy comes to spew abandonment I will know my God never leaves me nor forsakes me. When my mind tries to figure a way out my spirit will tell me to trust tin the Lord my God. I will be saved by You in Jesus' name amen.
A Warrior in the Lord’s Army,
Veridee Joy Hand
My hope is for Believers in Jesus Christ to join together each day to pray, to push back the enemy as we release God’s power here on earth against the coronavirus, riots, and lies. The prayers will be listed each day as Warriors Arise. I will put a date with it so we can keep them straight. If you have any questions please feel free to make a comment or private message me. If you would like this to come to your email directly please go to verideehand.com and subscribe.