Warriors Arise: January 20, 2022
Luke 19:1-10 (NKJV) Then Jesus entered and passed through Jericho. 2 Now behold, there was a man named Zacchaeus who was a chief tax collector, and he was rich. 3 And he sought to see who Jesus was, but could not because of the crowd, for he was of short stature. 4 So he ran ahead and climbed up into a sycamore tree to see Him, for He was going to pass that way. 5 And when Jesus came to the place, He looked up and saw him, and said to him, “Zacchaeus, make haste and come down, for today I must stay at your house.” 6 So he made haste and came down, and received Him joyfully. 7 But when they saw it, they all complained, saying, “He has gone to be a guest with a man who is a sinner.” 8 Then Zacchaeus stood and said to the Lord, “Look, Lord, I give half of my goods to the poor; and if I have taken anything from anyone by false accusation, I restore fourfold.”
9 And Jesus said to him, “Today salvation has come to this house, because he also is a son of Abraham; 10 for the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.”
Dang, I just need to get up and get moving. Sometimes there needs to be little hustle in my steps when going to intercept Jesus. Why run? Because when we run, we can't get sidetracked. How many times have you gone from one room to another room and forgotten why you going to that room? You were going to get something or do something but it totally slipped your mind. When I am in that situation I have to go back to the initial room where I had the thought, to generate the memory of why I needed to go to the other room. Surely, I am not the only one who has done this.
This happens when my mind is running here and there, thinking about this and that, instead of focused on what I am to do at the moment. Just like we may need to say, "Peace, be still" to the chaos in our lives, there are times I have had to put both hands on my head and say, "Peace, be still." My thoughts are racking up points as if I was playing pinball. I need to stop my thoughts and get focused on what is before me, what I am to be doing. My thoughts are a distraction and actually slow me down.
I have learned to write down things that come up at a time when I cannot give them my full attention. This will help me stop those thoughts from consuming my day, causing my mind to run slower and less efficient. It is needing to have your filters changed in your car so it runs more efficiently. We need to have the filters in our mind changed. We need to take captive every thought that distracts us from what is right before us to do.
2 Corinthians 10:3-6 (NKJV ) For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. 4 For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, 5 casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, 6 and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled.
Unchecked thoughts, or clogging thoughts can cause us to find ourselves in disobedience. It seems odd to think of it that way, but it is true. These thoughts that steal from what we are supposed to do and cause us to be late or put off what we were sent to do at that moment. God may drop a thought in your mind to call someone because they need to be encouraged right at that moment or for you to pray for them before depression overtakes them; but another thought comes that says you need to go throw a load of laundry in the washer. Sadly, after you have started the laundry, then another thought of getting lunch started enters your mind and you totally forgot about calling that person, the God-thing, you were supposed to do. Is there anything wrong with doing your laundry and preparing for lunch? Absolutely not, unless it prevents you from doing what God has told you to do. You and I have no idea if that person was crying out to know if God cared or to be encouraged. The moment God wants us to do what He has put into our mind could be "the" moment the person needs as confirmation of His involvement. Acting in our own time, generally makes it about us, rather than being an instrument in God's hands.
On the flip side of the coin, we can't stop for any random thought. We would never get anything accomplished in our day. But I am not talking about any random thought. I am talking about the God inspired thoughts and how we should be prepared to run to meet Him.
Zacchaeus couldn't get through the crowd so he looked ahead. He looked to see where Jesus would be going. He sought to see Jesus. He ran ahead and climbed the sycamore tree to see Jesus. He had to see Jesus. When I read this, I feel an urgency. Zacchaeus was not going to let this opportunity pass him by. He was going to see Jesus. I am sure he had plenty of other things he could have been doing especially since the crowd would not allow him through, but at that point, he was not going to miss the opportunity to see Jesus.
Father, I want to know when You are trying to connect with me. This was an ordained opportunity for Zacchaeus. Jesus was going to meet with him but he did not know it. How many times have I missed You, the divine meeting; because I didn't run to intersect Your path, where You were going. Maybe Jesus wasn't going anywhere. He was in motion waiting for Zacchaeus to get in position. I want to run to get into position to meet with You. I want there to be an urgency to see You. I want to see where You are going and join You. I want to be in position to hear You. Put an urgency in my heart to pay attention to Your voice and where You are going. I want to meet You, see You and listen to You. I want to know Your voice and follow You in Jesus' name amen.
A Warrior in the Lord’s Army,
Veridee Joy Hand
Join together as Believers in Jesus Christ to pray and to push back the enemy as we release God’s power here on earth. If you have any questions please feel free to make a comment or private message me. If you would like this to come to your email directly please go to verideehand.com and subscribe.