Warriors Arise: November 3, 2020
Romans 13:7 (NKJV) Render therefore to all their due: taxes to whom taxes are due, customs to whom customs, fear to whom fear, honor to whom honor.
We are extremely blessed in America where we live in a republic.
"A Republic form of government in which a state is ruled by representatives of the citizen body. Modern republics are founded on the idea that sovereignty rests with the people, though who is included and excluded forth category of the people has varied across history. Because citizens do not govern the state themselves but through representatives, republics may be distinguished from direct democracy, though modern representatives democracies are by and large republics. The term republic may also be applied to any form of government in which the head of state is not a hereditary monarch." Encyclopedia Britannica
Is there such thing as being too free? I believe there is. Each of us have been given freedom stated by our constitution. We are to live united within the healthy boundaries of our constitution. When someone abuses their freedoms by taking freedoms from someone else, they are abusing our constitutional rights.
Your rights end when your "rights" infringe upon another's rights. For example, if I am a business owner and you come loot my store, your freedom has infringed upon my rights. You do not have a right to damage my store in any way. You do not have a right to take from my store; this is called stealing. You are now a thief. I have done nothing to you, I provide you with a service in your hometown, in your neighborhood. I have abided by the laws, getting a permit to have my store, invest in the building and the items I sell. You take your freedom too far when you act upon the belief that you can do whatever you want to my store or by taking my products. This is not your right. I do not owe you anything. You owe me some respect, because I provide a service to you.
If I am a school teacher, you do not have the right to come in and hit me, cuss at me, damage my room, your desk, your chair, or other classroom supplies. These are paid for by the diligent people who work and therefore pay taxes. The community of people want to see you succeed. You do not have the right to damage what they provide for you nor be disrespectful toward me, your teacher. I invest my time into you so that you can have opportunities you wouldn't get without my help. It is not your right to abuse what others are doing to invest in your future. You owe your teacher and this community your appreciation by learning as much as you can and serving where assistance is needed.
If I am a part of our military, you do not have a right to abuse the freedoms I, and those who have served before me, have provided. I want you to remain free. I want you to have opportunities. I want you to dream the American dream and fulfill yours. I want you to honor my spouse and our children for the sacrifice I make for you to live with choice. I do not want you to make fun of my child because I am not there; because I am overseas protecting your freedom. I do not want you to burn our great American flag that gives me hope. I do not want you to curse the freedoms I and my fellow soldiers provide to you. I have seen other countries and the tyranny that comes from dictators, communism, and socialist governments. Trust me, if you lived there, you would know what it is like to live in prison, fearing for your life, and having no hope for life to ever get better. There is no dreaming for the people who live there. You owe each military service man and woman your honor for the freedom you so enjoy. You can honor each one of us by living in peace with fellow Americans. We are cleaning up battles all over the world to help others have a better way of life. We do not want to return home to have clean up a battle; because you took your freedom beyond the right of honoring other Americans.
If I am a police officer and you call me to come help, you do not have the right to bring harm to me. I serve, because I want our community to be a safe place for all people. I want to protect you from those who take their freedom too far, driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, physically abusing others, and not following traffic laws. This take lives from the innocent because one day they thought they could handle the amount the drugs they were taking, beat up on your or their family, or drive recklessly. You abuse the rights you have been given when you put yourself in a position that can harm someone else. You owe police officers your respect because they defend you, protect you, and keep you and others from going too far with your freedoms.
Your right ends when it supersedes the rights of others.
Election day is here in America. I have been praying fervently, non-stop for God to halt the plans of the enemy. We live in a republic. We get to vote and everyone who votes according to the laws will have their vote count. Once we have voted, we have fulfilled our right and civic duty. No matter the outcome, we do not have the right to cause harm to anybody or destruction to any property. However, over the past several months there have been so many lies. Everybody having an opinion, but only a rare few will look up the facts. Adults have been acting like bratty 2 year olds. If they don't get what the another adult has, then they are going to hurt the other adult or destroy what they have. Think about it. Haven't most of us been involved in resolving two children fighting over a toy. One child wants what the other one has. But it is the other child's toy, so they do not have to let the one child have it. So when the parents leaves the room, the child who wants the toy hits the other child. If the child doesn't give it up, later they break the toy so the owner of the toy does not get it either. Isn't that what these riots and looting been? Adults wanting what someone else has and since they can't have it they destroy what the other adult owns?
When did American's start thinking that because I want something, someone else has to make sure I get it? I was brought up that if I wanted something I was going to have to work for it, make the money and buy it myself. If I wanted a particular job I was going to have work diligently and get the references and abilities I needed for the next job. I was brought up to not be concerned about what others had, if I wanted what they had then I was going to have to do work as diligently, as they did, to get what they have. This is my right as a human being: To be a person of honor, to be diligent in my work, faithful to my word, respect people and value what they have done and earned. As a Christians, I do what I do, to represent Jesus Christ.
I am thankful I live in America. The land of the free because everyone has opportunities to be educated, dream and work consistently to achieve their dreams. It is not the land of the bullies or the brats.
Father, I am asking for You to intervene this day. I pray for You to come and protect those at the voting sites. I pray You would protect the voters. People have had their time of demonstration. We are a republic. We each get the opportunity to vote. I pray this freedom would not be abused. I ask for the plans of the enemy to be thwarted. I pray people would acknowledge our freedom to vote and our constitutional rights. I ask for there to be peace across the land. I pray for Your will to be done, here on earth, as it is in heaven. Peace of God come in Jesus' name amen.
A Warrior in the Lord’s Army,
Veridee Joy
My hope is for Believers in Jesus Christ to join together each day to pray, to push back the enemy as we release God’s power here on earth against the coronavirus, riots, and lies. The prayers will be listed each day as Warriors Arise. I will put a date with it so we can keep them straight. If you have any questions please feel free to make a comment or private message me. If you would like this to come to your email directly please go to verideehand.com and subscribe.