Warriors Arise: October 17, 2023

Matthew 5:10 & 11 Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake,
For theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake.
These two verses are tough. It's not thatI don't want to the blessing; it's that I dong was the persecution that precedes the blessing. It is odd to me how we can be tricked into thinking everything is supposed to be perfect when we become God's children. The problem with that line of thinking, is that when something bad happens, we look to heaven and shake our fist. We get mad, even angry, "God! How could you let this happen?!"
We aren't really wanting an answer. If we do not have our heart in the right place it can cause it to harden. We can get so angry with God, "Why didn't you step in? How could you let it get this bad? Why do I have to go through this? What is the point? If You aren't going to get me out of this, then You must not love me?"
At least one of those questions tries to penetrate your thinking when bad things happen, when you feel persecuted, or when it seems like everything is working against you. Maybe one of those questions holds you in a prison and you can't break free from it.
Persecution is going to happen, not because God wants it to happen. It is because people have a choice. Given to our own desires, we are going to the care of ourselves before we take care of others. We have this drive inside of us to be the king of the mountain. Do you remember playing that game as a child?
We used to play it in the winter when we had a tall snow mountain. All the kids in the neighborhood would come out to play. Whoever could get to the top of the mountain first was the "king". The king did everything he/she could in order to remain on the mountain. In life, there are people and people groups who are always wanting to be the "king". They are wanting to knock everyone else down and lord over them.
I wonder how that childhood game was invented? Maybe a child's perspective of what they saw their parent's doing? Maybe their inner desire to prove they were the best, fastest or strongest. Sadly, it still happens today. Constantly, we have to keep over motives in check. Parents are having to continue to teach their kids to honor and respect one another. They have to teach their children to do their best but not at the expense of hurting another.
Some kids never learn and then they group to be adults and they are still driving to hurt others in order to make themselves feel powerful or valuable. Yes, we should excel in the things we are called to do and fulfill our responsibilities to the best of our ability.
Persecution will happen whenever someone else places they rights above another's. Therefore, we have to teach honor, respect and responsibility. If we honor one another, we can't be trying to lord over them or control them in any way. Those who get blasted by those who bring persecution upon them will be blessed. They will receive the kingdom of heaven.
Father, I pray for all mankind. I pray the persecutors would realize they need You. They can't stop this insatiable desire to conquer others until they humble themselves for You. I pray for honor and respect to be given. I pray for an othering one to another. In no way, should one be in a position to lord over the other. There is to be respect for all mankind. We are to be responsible people. I pray we would know You and honor You. I pray we would love Your word and embrace the teaches within the cover. I pray for You to be glorified because we honor one another in Jesus' name amen.
A Warrior in the Lord’s Army,
Veridee Joy Hand
Join together as Believers in Jesus Christ to pray and to push back the enemy as we release God’s power here on earth. If you have any questions please feel free to make a comment or private message me. If you would like this to come to your email directly please go to verideehand.com and subscribe.