Warriors Arise: January 12, 2023

2 Samuel 6:1-4 (NKJV) Again David gathered all the choice men of Israel, thirty thousand. 2 And David arose and went with all the people who were with him from Baale Judah to bring up from there the ark of God, whose name is called by the Name, the Lord of Hosts, who dwells between the cherubim. 3 So they set the ark of God on a new cart, and brought it out of the house of Abinadab, which was on the hill; and Uzzah and Ahio, the sons of Abinadab, drove the new cart. 4 And they brought it out of the house of Abinadab, which was on the hill, accompanying the ark of God; and Ahio went before the ark.
It must have been difficult for Abinadab and his sons, Uzzah and Ahio to give up the ark of the covenant. The ark had been at Abinadab's for several decades. The house of Abinadab was overflowing with blessing since it arrived at their place; they had honored God's presence and had become extremely protective of it. This would have been difficult to give up. I can't imagine how they felt. They had guarded the presence of God for at least a generation. They had ministered to God. Now, King David is on the throne and trying to restore the place of honor for God, but that doesn't mean he knows what to do. It doesn't mean the people of Israel will honor God. It doesn't mean they can take care of the ark, minister to the presence of God or protect it like the house of Abinadab had. Would King David treat it like a good luck charm or would he protect it with his life? Would he bring honor to God? Would the priests take up their position to minister before God, the presence of God who rode upon the cherubim? There had to be so many questions and reservations about having the Ark of the Covenant taken from the house of Abinadab to Jerusalem.
The house of Abinadab, Uzzah and Ahio would have to trust God. They would have to trust God that this was directed by Him and not a man. They would have to trust the priests would resume their position of ministering before the presence of God. They would have to trust they weren't putting the ark back into the hands of priests, like Eli's sons who had disregarded God. I can only imagine how protective the house of Abinadab felt when they received the news that King David was coming to retrieve the ark and take it to Jerusalem.
It is difficult when things are completely out of our control. The house of Abinadab didn't have a choice. The king was coming to get the ark. They couldn't go to war over the location of the ark. It might have crossed their minds, but the odds were completely against them. David and his men were skilled warriors. The house of Abinadab didn't have a chance in battle. More than ever, they had to trust God. They had to trust the man God had placed on the throne, over all Israel. They had to trust God knew hat was going on. They had to trust God was in charge. They had to remember that if the ark got into the wrong hands again, God could take care of Himself, like He had against the Philistines. As a side note, I almost think God was removing Himself from His people, because they had treated Him with such flippancy when they called for the ark to be brought to battle. They didn't take the ark with them until they couldn't defeat the Philistines. Scripture doesn't tell us that anyone prayed to God for help. It wasn't like they called upon Samuel the prophet to pray or any other priest. There is no record that anyone in the camp cried out to God for His deliverance from the Philistines. No, they called for the ark to come when they couldn't win the battle. It seems to have an air of dishonor to treat the ark, the presence of God upon the ark, like a good luck charm.
If this is how the house of Abinadab saw the situation, the history of how their people treated God then there had to be great apprehension in David coming to retrieve the ark. Despite the past, we have to trust God can handle Himself and the situation. It is extremely difficult. I remember a time when I was all in a fuddle over something, can't remember what at the time, but I was sharing with my older brother and he said, "Veridee, do you think God is shaking up on His throne right now?"
His statement stopped me in my tracks. My mind stopped whirling and I responded, "No." It was as if that revelation took all the air out of the balloon. The entire situation, even though I didn't want to deal with it, was going to be settled and I would make it through. The Lord has used that line a number of times to keep me from being overcome with anxiety. Yes, I may be going through the valley of the shadow of death, but I will not died in the valley! The shepherd is leading me through. It may be scary and I do not know what will happen while in the valley. But this I know, I will keep my eyes on the Good Shepherd and I will make it through! Amen! Do you know what happens when you make it through? Your head is anointed with oil and you get a seat at His table! That is exciting! That is worth it! I will not take my eyes of Jesus and I will trust Him to get me through the valley of the shadow of death. The house of Abinadab would have to trust God. They had done nothing wrong, but it was time for the ark to return to the nation and not just one family.
Father, there are situations in my life I have absolute no control over. I am thankful You are with me. I am thankful I can put my trust tin You. I am thankful You will walk me through this situation. I am thankful You are for me. You desire for me to walk through the difficult time, because it grows my faith. I have found it is easier when I look to You and not try to find the quick way out. It isn't about how quick I get through it. It is the integrity I have while I am going through it. I will trust You. I will demonstrate peace of mind and complete trust in You. Thank You for being clear on Your timing. Thank You leading me through. I can completely put my trust in You, because I have walked through so many valleys and have never left me. You have never forsaken me. You have always brought me through. Hallelujah! By the name of Jesus, I trust You! Amen!
A Warrior in the Lord’s Army,
Veridee Joy Hand
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