Warriors Arise: December 11, 2022
Luke 1:47 (NKJV) And my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior.
How do you respond when you read that verse? My thought process:
Who said it?
Ah, Luke 1, that had to be Mary or Elizabeth.
Looked it up.
It's Mary.
Why Mary?
So, I checked out the verse before. Luke 1:46 And Mary said:
“My soul magnifies the Lord"
Impressed, I wanted to know more, so I looked at the verse before that. One of my favorite songs focuses on magnifying the Lord. When I heard that song, I was on a mission to learn when it meant to magnify the Lord. In this particular verse, Luke 1:46, it means to make great, increase, enlarge, to show great. I had to ask myself, have I magnified the Lord? When have I magnified the Lord? What happened in my life that compelled me to magnify the Lord? I challenge you to ask yourself those questions as well.
It is important for you and I to make it a habit to magnify the Lord. I can give you one reason that will change your life. If you will look to magnify the Lord everyday then the things of this world will not be a burden nor will the enemy be a threat. The more we magnify God the less stress we have. We understand God is amazing, all-powerful, and working things out in my favor, so I have no need to worry. I have every need to exult His name, make His name great, enlarge my understand of God, increase my time with God and show my God to be great. When I magnify the Lord then my mind cannot be consumed with doubt, insecurity, or fear. I know my God will step in and walk me out of the dark places. I know my God will give me the strategy to win the battle. I know my God will give me favor with people so His kingdom can advance. I know my God will go before me; therefore, I have nothing to fear. I am my God's and He is mine.
I have every reason to magnify the Lord. Daily, He brings me through difficult situations. I chose to follow Him, because He always leads me to the best outcome. When I fall down, I raise my eyes to Him and see His face. I must rise and go forward. I cannot remain down. I cannot allow the enemy to declare victory over me. I will not stop doing what God has called me to do. My God is so very good and I will rejoice and magnify Him and all He has done for me.
Why does Mary magnify the Lord?
Luke 1:45 (NKJV) Blessed is she who believed, for there will be a fulfillment of those things which were told her from the Lord.”
I may step on some toes. Mary has been told something that is going to put her life in danger and she agrees with it. She doesn't ask how God will protect her. She doesn't ask how God is going to provide for her. She doesn't ask if the angel will tell her parents or her betrothed. I hear a statement a lot, "I'm going to have to pray about that." Was that Mary's response when the angel told her the impossible? No, it wasn't. How about for you? Maybe you haven't had an angel give you a direct message from God. You knew God was speaking to you and you pushed the thought away. Maybe God asked you to go talk to someone about Jesus, but you didn't feel it was the right time? What about when God asked you to serve Him in a ministry, you aren't going to get to lead? Would you serve? What if God didn't speak to you directly but spoke through someone else and you pushed it aside because You needed the writing on the wall from God Himself, before you were going to do anything?
When will you and I be on point, believing God when He speaks to us through an angel, Himself, or another individual? What do we resist being willing? The angel knew Mary believed. His last words to her, "Blessed is she who believed, for there will be aflfillment of those things which were told her from the Lord." That is pretty amazing. Then angel blesses her. He spoke to Zachariah, a priest and he didn't believe. Then he spoke to Mary, a common teenage girl, and she believed. She is blessed, because she believed. Mary was operating with faith as a child (Marr 18:1-5).
When you and I have faith, when we actually believe God rather than tell Him all the reasons we can't then we will do the extraordinary with Him. I will reach out to the people in our day. We will watch for the movement and voice of God so we can be like Jesus and do what our Father is doing. God continues to look to and fro for a heart faithful to Him. To those He finds, He will reveal what He is doing and commission them to do great exploits. His Word will be released through them. You and I can be a part of the "them." When we align with believing God, we will respond with, "Yes, let's do this." Rather than looking for a reason to decline His invitation. God will ask, because He never wanted to do life alone. He always has You and I in mind for what He wants to do and the lives He wants to touch with His love.
Father, You are amazing. I will rejoice in You. I will rejoice, because You have shown me what You are doing. I will join You. I will rejoice, because You are faithful to give me the strength, resources and people needed to expand Your kingdom. I believe Your Word. I listen to what You say and I will be apart of what You have made known to me. I will be blessed because I believe and go forward with You. I will rejoice in You and exalt You name for You are so very good! I will magnify Your name and worship You everyday in Jesus' name amen.
A Warrior in the Lord’s Army,
Veridee Joy Hand
Join together as Believers in Jesus Christ to pray and to push back the enemy as we release God’s power here on earth. If you have any questions please feel free to make a comment or private message me. If you would like this to come to your email directly please go to verideehand.com and subscribe.