Warriors Arise: November 25, 2020
1 Samuel 30:11-12 (NKJV) Then they found an Egyptian in the field, and brought him to David; and they gave him bread and he ate, and they let him drink water. 12 And they gave him a piece of a cake of figs and two clusters of raisins. So when he had eaten, his strength came back to him; for he had eaten no bread nor drunk water for three days and three nights.
This man was depleted physically, he hadn't eaten in three days and three nights. We find out later he was left behind because he was sick. He was struggling, so-much-so that his master left him to fend for himself or die. David and his men saw him, brought him in, gave him bread and water. Then they gave him a piece of a cake of figs and two cluster of raisins. What kind of a mindset do you live by? Are you a generous giver or a necessities-only giver? If you are a generous giver you give more than enough. You give enough that they will have left overs. A necessities-only giver is one who gives what the person is in need of right now but no extras. No leftovers. Nothing to start with tomorrow.
I bring these up because as we think, we act - in giving it tends to be what we think of God. When we are a generous giver we have seen God be generous in our lives. We do not see God as withholding something we need nor do we think He is going to make life hard because we were in need. When we are necessities only giver we can remember past times when we felt God didn't come through for us or when others needed the assistance but we felt they squandered what we gave them. This effects how we respond when the situation arrives for us to be givers.
David had seen God intervene in his life. There were times when he didn't have food to eat. At that time, he took the showbread from the temple. Then there were other times where God provide abundantly in his life. He didn't allow the times that he was in lack to taint his ability to give to others when they were in need. How did he get six hundred men? Because they were in need and he knew how to lead sheep. He knew how to teach them to hunt, provide for their families, and fight effectively in battle. They had seen David respond in this fashion to everyone who came to find him.
Now that you have made your evaluation of yourself, that can change when we ask the questions, "How do others see me? Am I a generous giver or a necessities only giver?" Not that it really matters what others think of you. That is not the point. But when we look at ourselves from someone else's perspective we may see ourselves a little more clearly. If you do not care to do that then what about asking God? "God, am I a generous giver or am I a necessities only giver? Can you show me how I give?"
Jesus gave people exactly what they needed and in abundance. He showed them how they could get more of the very thing they needed. When we look back in Scpriture we see Jesus fed 5,000 people and when everybody had eaten their fill Jesus told the disciples to pick up the leftovers. There were ten baskets of leftovers! I believe this was to replay the event in front of the people. God provides more than what we ask for. Then we read where Jesus fed 4,000 people and when everyone had eaten their fill Jesus once again had his disciples pick up the leftovers. This time there were twelve baskets of leftovers. Once again, no one was in need of food and there was leftover.
Sometimes our giving is out of place because we are not looking with God's eyes to see who we are to give to. When we give it isn't to buy anyone's love nor to spoil them rotten. I know grandparents say they want to spoil their grandkids rotten but no one wants to be around a selfish, rotten, and ungrateful grandchild.
What is your motive for giving?
Because you have to
Because you want to
Because you honor the person and God with your giving
Jesus taught His disciples to pray, "give us this day our daily bread." I have heard most preachers talk about this as though it only was a request for God to provide spiritually. We know the Word of God. Jesus is the bread of life. However, many things in the Bible represent more than one thing. Remember, Jesus sent His disciples out and told them not to take money with them. They were to go and stay in a house where they would be received and that included being fed. The home that received them they were to bless. There are times they needed bread to eat as well as the Word of God.
Whether you need something from someone or not I ask you, "Are you a generous giver or a necessities only giver? Do you see the people who need a helping hand or is someone else always bringing it to your attention?"
Are you willing to ask God to open your eyes to see the people you can give generously on His behalf?
Father, I ask for You to come and minister to me. I want to see people You would like me to be a part of Your plan to give to. I want to give generously, not just enough but so they know You are the God of more than enough. I want to hear You clearly and trust You. I want them to now when I give that You are the only God who cares and will give to them more than what they need. I want them to know You are for them to succeed and achieve their full potential. Father, there are so many who are unsure of what tomorrow holds. They do not know if they will still have a job or if their children will have a present under the Christmas tree. I ask for each one of them in that particular situation to receive from You. I ask that we will be David's to these people. We can give what they need the bread and water, then we can give the fig cake and raisins. There may be more people than we know that are in fear of their job and how to provide for their family. I ask for You to direct us to them. We will give generously and pray for them to have a new job with better working hours and conditions, better pay and benefits in Jesus' name. I pray we would have open eyes and be moved with compassion as Jesus and for all judgement to be removed in Jesus' name. I ask for our giving to be a blessing to all who receive it and break the lies of the enemy. I bless each one to walk in the fullness of Your love and move forward in hope in Jesus' name amen.
A Warrior in the Lord’s Army,
Veridee Joy
My hope is for Believers in Jesus Christ to join together each day to pray, to push back the enemy as we release God’s power here on earth against the coronavirus, riots, and lies. The prayers will be listed each day as Warriors Arise. I will put a date with it so we can keep them straight. If you have any questions please feel free to make a comment or private message me. If you would like this to come to your email directly please go to verideehand.com and subscribe.