Warriors Arise: September 24, 2022
1 Samuel 18:12-15 (NKJV) Now Saul was afraid of David, because the Lord was with him, but had departed from Saul. 13 Therefore Saul removed him from his presence, and made him his captain over a thousand; and he went out and came in before the people. 14 And David behaved wisely in all his ways, and the Lord was with him. 15 Therefore, when Saul saw that he behaved very wisely, he was afraid of him.
When someone is afraid of you because God is with you, do you change to make them feel better or more at ease? Think about it. This happens all the time. Someone gets a revelation from God, embraces it, walks it out, and people see God is with them, and what happens next? Some people will idolize the person, but most will try one of two things. They will either tear them down, "Man, you are too intense. You need to take a break. You can't keep going like this." Or they will respond from fear. It can be a fear that they don't want to have to give up what they have come to enjoy in the world in order to be lit up for Jesus. It can also be a fear of recognizing they don't have the relationship you have with the Lord; therefore, they feel God will no longer protect, provide or listen to them.
Those three responses can cause a person to pull away from us. Now, David probably didn't mind Saul sending him out, especially after the second time Saul tried to pin him to the wall with a spear. I don't know anyone personally who has had a spear thrown at them, because of the fear that has come upon them in jealousy. However, it seems in today's world we can be so caught up and entangled, because of someone else's fear we make it about ourselves.
David didn't need to operate in fear. God was with him. God protected him. Every time Saul threw the spear, God protected him. Every time David went out to defend Israel's borders, God was with him and brought him back. It would have been detrimental for David to become self-loathing because of Saul's fear; but we do that all the time. We surrender our calling, training, and the victories, because if there happens to be one person who doesn't approve of us, we get our feelings hurt and let them dictate what we are to do and not do. When our feelings are in control we will have a difficult time being unified with God's direction for our life. He is consistently calling me to do something my feelings do not agree with. He regularly is putting me in positions where I am strengthen beyond what is comfortable and definitely beyond what I think I am capable of. He keeps telling me to keep my eyes on Him and follow Him. He continues so speak to me and says to join Him. Each time I have a choice to make. I can give into my feelings that rarely line up with God's direction for my life or I can be sold out for God and allow myself to be stretched, crafted and molded into what He desires in my life and from my life.
My desire is to serve the Lord with all my heart, with all my mind, with all my soul, and with all my strength. Therefore, when I feel the pressure of someone else's fear come upon me, I have to side step quickly so their fear doesn't not throw chains upon me. I have to let those chains fall to the ground. I have decided their fear cannot keep me from who God has called me to be. I have made up my mind I will not allow their fear to keep me from doing what God has put in my hands to do. My bones will burn with the desire to complete the destiny God has placed within me. I must protect it. What He wants done in me and through me will open the gates for so many others to know God's amazing love, protection and power in their own lives.
Father, thank You for Your love toward me. Today, my eyes are open. I see where I have taken on the fear of others, because I did not want to cause any problems for them. They need You. I cannot remain in bondage to their fear in order to make them feel better. It is not my responsibility to make them feel better. They can rise and join You. They can receive from You. They can pursue You with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength. If they don't, that is their decision, but I will not be held back by their lack of desire to honor You and bring glory to You name. I will rise and stand. I will take my place in all that You have for me. I will serve the Lord my God with all You have given me. I will not take on the fear of someone else. It is not my responsibility. They need You and need to pursue You. I will not join them in their bondage. If they are afraid, because I seek to lift Your name on high and worship You with all that I am, then they have misplaced fear. I ask for You to come to them and open their eyes. I pray they would be ready to give up fear; and this time, I ask for each one to step back onto the path You have for them. I pray they would know You are God and put their trust in You each and every day. I pray they would take every lie captive and make it obedient to the Word of the Lord in Jesus' name amen.
A Warrior in the Lord’s Army,
Veridee Joy Hand
Join together as Believers in Jesus Christ to pray and to push back the enemy as we release God’s power here on earth. If you have any questions please feel free to make a comment or private message me. If you would like this to come to your email directly please go to verideehand.com and subscribe.