Warriors Arise: June 14th, 2020

Luke 24:28-29 (NKJV) Then they drew near to the village where they were going, and He indicated that He would have gone farther. 29 But they constrained Him, saying, “Abide with us, for it is toward evening, and the day is far spent.” And He went in to stay with them.
Two disciples who have shared the road with Jesus as they walked from Jerusalem to Emmaus constrained Jesus to stay with them, by giving legitimate reasons. It was their custom to provide housing and a meal for someone traveling. They invited Jesus to abide with them with good reason. The evening was close and the day was spent. But don't you think they had other reasons for wanting Jesus to abide with them?
They didn't know how to make sense of what had happened in Jerusalem and here is this stranger who teaches things they did not know or didn't remember concerning Jesus, the Christ. Their "slow hearts" were beginning to move a little faster. I don't think they wanted to let Him go. They wanted to hear more. They wanted to understand what was happening in their world. They wanted to make sense of the chaos of Jesus crucifixion and that He lives again! We later get to the following passage but it is relevant their desire is to have Him stay with them. There is still the mystery of the man before them.
Luke 24:32 (NKJV) And they said to one another, “Did not our heart burn within us while He talked with us on the road, and while He opened the Scriptures to us?
There are times when we respond before we even know our own need or what is going on inside of us. These two disciples, walking with Jesus, having Him open up the Scriptures so they understood were responding without knowing why. They thought they were being nice, having good cultural manners, being like Christ offering asking this man to abide with them. Sometimes we do things because it makes good sense but later as the situation or event unfolds we recognize, "God set this up!" In that moment, we realize, God ever-so-gently moved us to do something out of our natural tendency to set us up for a God-opportunity.
These two men had been distraught earlier. They were desperately trying to make sense of what had happened. They explained all this to the man who joined them. This man taught them things they didn't know about the Scripture or understand was going to happen to Jesus. They gave good reasons for Jesus to abide with them; it was late; the day was spent but they wanted to learn more from Him.
During the walk to Emmaus, they enjoyed the peace Jesus brought to the storm of terror and trouble they were facing as disciples whose leader was innocent yet killed by Romans because the Chief Priests did not believe Jesus was the Christ. They had served so many people who would have be able to recognize Him. Judas, one of Jesus' 12, gave Him up for 30 pieces of silver; who would be the next to betray the rest of them?
Since the word constrained is used to describe how they invited Jesus to abide with them, I think they were pleading, at the very least but they very well could have been firmly speaking with great force. They did not want Jesus to leave. They wanted Him to stay.
Many times were do not state what we really want. We tend to hold back what we really want to say, because we might hurt the other person. For instance they could have told Jesus, "You are not safe on the road by Yourself." Implying He couldn't protect Himself. They could have said, "We want You to stay with us because we have learned so much and have so much more to learn." We don't put ourselves out there like that because people might thing we are weak or ignorant. We don't want to admit we need help. We are struggling to comprehend what has just happened. Out mind is racing how we got to this point so quickly, seemingly without warning. Did they state the real reason they wanted Jesus to abide with them? They definitely gave Him a good reason to stay. Then later they could ask what they really wanted.
His presence brought them peace. His presence brought them security. His teachings quickened their hearts, lit a fire: "did not our hearts burn within us ..." Just a few hours before Jesus rebuked them for being foolish and slow of heart to believe. A few verses later they describe their hearts. Their hearts were alive; no longer were they slow of heart to believe! They wanted Jesus to abide with them, because something changed inside of them. Know your heart and what you need to ask of Jesus.
Father, when the enemy comes, he comes as a roaring lion. COVID19 instantly brought so much fear to the hearts of man, woman, and child. But now the devil roars again, creating havoc among all people who do not have their feet firmly planted on You. These protests that turned into riots stole more than physical things through looting, it stole our safety, feelings of security and protection. I ask for Your presence to be made known. I ask for You to join people during the peaceful protests, during the riots, and during the looting. I ask for each one to share what is on their heart as the two disciples did. I ask for each one to share their deepest concerns with You. I pray their hearts would be completely open and ready for You to speak directly to what they need. You spoke directly to the heart of these two disciples. You can do it again. You can speak to each and every person who is struggling to make sense of what is going on in our country and around the world. While there is still the threat of the coronavirus; there is a new threat, domestic terrorism. I ask for You to speak to government officials. You can go anywhere and talk to any person. You can get where others are limited. I ask in the name of Jesus for government officials to be open to hearing from You. I ask they would put their trust in You. I ask they would step into their positions and protect the people. I ask for You to come and protect the innocent and the police force. I ask for You to guide each government official to hear You and what to do. I pray they would not use their own thoughts to try and resolve a spiritual battles. Come meet with the people who are making decisions. I ask for You to intervene. I ask for You to speak clearly. I ask for each person to hear You and follow Your plan in Jesus' name.
A Warrior in the Lord’s Army,
Veridee Joy
My hope is for believers in Jesus Christ to join together each day to pray, to push back the enemy as we release God’s power here on earth against the coronavirus. The prayers will be listed each day as Warriors Arise. I will put a date with it so we can keep them straight. If you have any questions please feel free to make a comment or private message me. If you would like this to come to your email directly please go to verideehand.com and subscribe.