Warriors Arise: September 11, 2023

Matthew 4:19-20 Then He said to them, “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.” 20 They immediately left their nets and followed Him.
In thinking about what this day represents for so many Americans, I was wondering how it fit into today's Arise. We have never read or heard of Peter and Andrew's parents or other siblings. Back on 9-11-2001 terrorists attacked our nation by hy-jacking 4 airplanes. So many families were altered that dreadful day. If they could only turn back time and see their loved ones one more time, hold them, tell them how much they loved them and leave them with final words of exhortation, everyone of them would want to say them, hear them, and embrace them one last time.
Peter and Andrew left their nets and followed Jesus. It says they responded immediately which means suddenly. Like I said, I do not know the back story of their family or siblings. However, it isn't uncommon for most of us to have had to face something so terrible, that we found ourselves doing what had to be done until a way out presented itself.
The people who lost loved ones back on 9-11-2001, have had to work through a great deal of pain. It wouldn't matter how many times we heard their story, we would not completely understand what that event did to their lives. Yes, I prayed that day for each family who lost a loved one and throughout the years. However, today, as I read this passage, I am wondering how many are stuck in limbo. Are they going through the motions in order to get through each day, but in their heart they are hoping for someone to find them, call to them and invite them to come up out of the mundane. They are looking for the nightmare to end and hope to be awaken within.
They steadily working diligently so their mind doesn't go back to that dreadful day when they got the phone call or saw the news or lived through the horror of the aftermath of media coverage again and again. I am not saying Simon and Andrew experienced this, but it could have been something similar since we do not hear of their parents or other siblings.
Even though on 9-11 we remember those who exerpeienced that dreadful event and may still be living in some type of pit of dispart, there are so many others. They have lost loved ones in a collision or a sudden burst of an aneurysm that took their life. This kind of pain can come in so many different forms. Each one is needing to hear Jesus call to them.
Jesus says His yoke is easy and burden is light. He says He will carry us when we can't go on any longer. His love never ends. His faithfulness will stand the test of time. He will heal us; body, soul, and spirit. He will lift us up out of the muck and the mire. He will cleanse us and renew our strength. He will call us to Himself and He will hold us until the pain goes away. When we can't breathe, He will breathe His life into us. He is the restorer of our soul and the redeemer of our destiny. Jesus comes and calls to us. We have to be ready to leave our past behind and follow Him.
Father, I am thankful for all Jesus has done in my life. Terrible, difficult and horrible events have happened to so many. I pray they would see You coming and be ready. I pray they would hear Your voice and follow You. I pray they would leave their past behind and step into the fullness of Your redemption. I pray they would embrace the next for their life and move away from their past. I pray they would live again. I pray they would trust You, rise up and follow You in Jesus's name amen.
A Warrior in the Lord’s Army,
Veridee Joy Hand
Join together as Believers in Jesus Christ to pray and to push back the enemy as we release God’s power here on earth. If you have any questions please feel free to make a comment or private message me. If you would like this to come to your email directly please go to verideehand.com and subscribe.