Warriors Arise: November 16, 2020

1 Samuel 30:6a (NKJV) Now David was greatly distressed, for the people spoke of stoning him, because the soul of all the people was grieved, every man for his sons and his daughters...
David's wives, children, and all that he had were stolen from him. Now the very men he befriended, trained in warfare, and godly character were speaking of stoning him. In the midst of all their grief the men forgot all David had done for them and since he was the leader, he was the one responsible for their grief.
When we feel we have lost everything that matters, our family, our purpose, our way of life, we want to blame someone. Was this David's fault? Did he know the Amalekites were planning on raiding Ziklag? Did he know they would take everything and burn the city to the ground? No, he didn't. He is not responsible for what the Amalekites did, but as their commander he is responsible for what they would do next.
Here in America and across the world we have been through something that seems almost as devastating. And here in America people responded much like David's men. People blamed President Trump for COVID-19. When people feel violated or in fear we turn to blaming others. Many times we don't even want the facts. David's men wanted to stone him, they were grieving. They had wept until they had no more power to weep. But now, their emotions were changing from grief to anger. When we are angry we do not think straight. If we let anger run through our being without a stop sign to obey, it can quickly turn into rage. When people are in rage their brain is no longer in tact. When in rage the filter is gone and people say whatever comes to mind not because it is true, but because they are out of control. When in rage common sense is removed and people do things that hurt others without any remorse. They feel they have a right to be out of control because their emotions are controlling them.
Our prayer today is not about giving you facts about how our president responded when getting the news of COVID-19, where it came from and how to handle it. It is about how we respond when the unexpected in life happens. No one expected 2020 to be a year of complete chaos. No one expected to be quarantined trapped in their home, their business looted, the police to be defunded and shamed. No one expected to be forced to stay at home with their kids and work their job remotely. No one expected to have to wear a mask everywhere they went. No one expected to catch a disease that might kill them. I am not sure how we could have prepared for this. It has been a devastating blow. As more cases of COVID-19 appear, what are we to do?
1 Samuel 30:6c (NKJV)...But David strengthened himself in the Lord his God.
David, the commander of these 600 men, was grieving from the loss of his wives and children and now he is distressed because these men are gathering support to stone him. There really isn't anything he can do other than seek God. The people are grieving, when their grief has turned to anger, they will not be reasoned with. They want something to take the pain away. In their anger, killing the one they felt responsible seemed like it would help.
David strengthened himself in the Lord his God. In this situation, the only thing that mattered is what God said. The only thing that would change the outcome of the day would be what God would tell them. Was this really God's end for him? Could everything really turn so bad so quickly? Were his men really this fickle?
As COVID-19 lashes out as people all over the world again, be intentional to turn yourself to the Lord your God. You may have to muster up some strength. You may have to get the Word of God out and declare His Word as truth in your life. One thing I know will have an affect on the outcome is for those who know God to strengthen themselves in the Lord their God.
Father, You are faithful to love each one of us. I ask for You to come and minister Your love to every one who is in fear. I pray they would turn to You. I pray they would see that they only one who can save them from COVID-19 is You. You are the One who provides the cure, the vaccine, and strengthens our immune system to get rid of it. You are the One who saturates us in Your love to cast out all fear. I rebuke fear in Jesus name. I bless my body to rise up and defend myself against COVID-19. I rebuke sickness in Jesus name. I bless my body to respond to healing by Your touch. I will not waste my time blaming others. I will turn to You and be strengthened by Your Word, by Your touch and by Your love. I will be strengthened by You in my physical body and COVID-19 will not lay hold of me. I will be strengthened by You in my mental state of mind and trust Your Word and Your guidance to stay health. I will be strengthened by You in my spirit as the Holy Spirit reminds me of the call and purpose You have placed on my life. I will not forget what You have done to restore my body and protect me from the enemy. I turn to You and listen for Your voice. I ask for be strengthened by Your Word in Jesus' name Amen.
A Warrior in the Lord’s Army,
Veridee Joy
My hope is for Believers in Jesus Christ to join together each day to pray, to push back the enemy as we release God’s power here on earth against the coronavirus, riots, and lies. The prayers will be listed each day as Warriors Arise. I will put a date with it so we can keep them straight. If you have any questions please feel free to make a comment or private message me. If you would like this to come to your email directly please go to verideehand.com and subscribe.