Warriors Arise: July 12, 2022
1 Samuel 17:40 (NKJV) Then he took his staff in his hand; and he chose for himself five smooth stones from the brook, and put them in a shepherd's bag, in a pouch which he had, and his sling was in his hand. And he drew near to the Philistine.
I totally understand having a pouch to put the stones in. I love a purse, bag or backpack with lots of pockets. I do not like one big open pocket. I put specific things in each pocket. Especially the things I need the access more frequently. The more frequently I use something, the greater the need for it to have its own pocket. Not only does it get its own pocket, but it gets an easily accessed pocket. I have outside pockets on my purse and backpacks as well as inside pockets. The items I need to access more frequently, will get an outside individual pocket.
David had a pouch for the five stones. He carried the pouch inside his shepherd's bag. He doesn't need too many things dangling from his side or it will trip him up. When he runs, they could get all tangled together as well as mess with the freedom of his legs as he ran or his arms as he prepares to release the stone from the sling.
When I read this through a couple of weeks ago, I was thinking about the pouch with the stones. I have no clue about a slinger's fighting technique. It doesn't seem like a good plan to have the other 4 stones in the pouch when they need to be readily available. Just in case he missed Goliath the first time or if it wasn't a fatal blow. It doesn't seem David planned for the "just in case" or the "what ifs" in the negative sense. Throughout Scripture David did what was needed in the moment. He seemed to be the type of guy, "We'll know what is needed to be done when we get there."
I would have to agree with the scholars that David took the 4 other stones for Goliath's 4 brothers. He had an expectation of God's desire with his ability to accomplish the victory. He ran into the battle knowing God would protect him and bring victory that day. Those 4 stones had to be ready and easily access when Goliath came down. He would be able to reaching his shepherd's bag and pull out the pouch to get another stone. He wouldn't want to stick his hand into his shepherds bag and have it get caught up in something else.
I am guessing as soon as the stone left David's sling, he hand automatically went to into his shperhed's bag and located the pouch without thinking. I bet it was automatic. There are things we do automatically when the pressure is on. While we have to keep our eyes on the giant we are expecting to fall; we have to get prepared for the enemy that will take his place. David didn't take any chance on celebrating a victory too soon. Back in their day, it was the responsibility of kinsmen to seek vengeance for the one who killed their family member. He knew Goliath's brothers would be watching. They would be the first to celebrate their brother's victory, but victory would not come to Goliath. So, David was ready for them, a stone for each of them.
Studies show an accurate slinger could send a rock covering the distance of a football field in 2 seconds. David had no intention of fighting Goliath in a hand-to-hand combat when his greatest asset was a sling. He could kill him from a distance of over the length of a football field. This is why David had time to get another stone out of his pouch. Once he heard the crack of Goliath's skull, I am sure he had the next stone in his sling. This is why David had his pouch with the 4 stones easily accessible.
Father, my spiritual life can be a mess. There are times I do not have Scripture in a easily accessible place, because I haven't gathered Scriptures from Your word like David selected the five stones from the brook. I position myself before You today. I will open my Bible and listen as I read. I will read for understanding and wisdom. I will read to learn of You and your ways. I will put Your Word deep in my heart and meditate on Your Word so the seeds can be watered. I want eat Scripture to bear fruit in my life. I want Your Word to be easily accessible not only to guard my mind, but to sling at the enemy, the world and my flesh that seek to take me out before I accomplish what You have put in my heart. I will have Your word in my heart and allow Your word to empower me to take down the giant that stands against what You have said is mine. You are for me and I will actively make Your word a fortress in my life. Your word will be easily accessible at all times in Jesus' name amen.
A Warrior in the Lord’s Army,
Veridee Joy Hand
Join together as Believers in Jesus Christ to pray and to push back the enemy as we release God’s power here on earth. If you have any questions please feel free to make a comment or private message me. If you would like this to come to your email directly please go to verideehand.com and subscribe.