Warriors Arise: October 20, 2022

1 Samuel 19:18-19 (NKJV) So David fled and escaped, and went to Samuel at Ramah, and told him all that Saul had done to him. And he and Samuel went and stayed in Naioth. 19 Now it was told Saul, saying, “Take note, David is at Naioth in Ramah!”
David and Samuel ran to a place they felt would be safe. Surely, these shepherds would not tell Saul where David was hiding. They had grown up together and swapped stories over the fire at night. But David had become a hero. He had been called by the king to be his armor bearer. He had been sent out by he king to secure the boarders and defend the Israelites from the take over of the Philistines. Maybe if they told the king where to find David, then they would be the king's armor bearer. Maybe they had no idea why David was there. So when they told people he was there, they didn't realize they were putting him in danger. Maybe they were in awe that he was there among the shepherds when he was this mighty warrior now. So word spread like wildfire that David, the giant slayer was among them.
Sometimes people do not mean to steal your thunder or put you in harms way. They are naturally responding without any negative thoughts toward you. It really has bothered my kids over the years and we have all had to learn as it has happened to all of them. They have all fallen prey to doing something, they have been upset with another sibling about. If something really good happens for one the one who knows wants to be the herald and tell everyone else. Then the child who had the great achievement is upset, because they wanted to be the one who shared their good news. Mommy and Daddy have done the same thing. We want to share about our kids, even to our other children or grandparents and the child feels their thunder has been stolen. These shepherds in the Naioth may have been passing the word along that David and Samuel were there, because that was the biggest news they had to talk about. Think about it. They are alone, around sheep all day and sometimes for several days. When they come in contact with other shepherds or return to their family, they want to know what has gone on; while they were out in the pastures. It would be innocent for one to share that the giant slayer, David, was staying in the Naioth with all the shepherds. Scripture does not tell us that David or Samuel told them to keep his arrival quiet.
Several years ago I came across a Scripture that caught my attention and challenged me to take a deeper look at myself.
Matthew 12:36-37 (NKJV) But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment. 37 For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.”
How many times had I spoken about things that just didn't need to be said. If I was going to speak, it needed to be with a purpose and not just to take up the silence or share information that wasn't mine to share or chatter about senseless thoughts. I have learned to listen and close my mind off to those who are causing confusion with their "thinking out loud" which can create confusion. I have learned to listen to Holy Spirit instead of the thoughts rolling around in my head or what others are saying. I have learned to use what others are saying as a point of prayer, seeking God. They may be sharing some truths but not seeking the outcome God wants. It doesn't take a prophet to identify a problem. Most people can identify the problem. However, it does take a listener to hear God's solution to the problem. I have learned to speak less and listen more. Then I hear God better and speak from God's point of view and not entertain senseless chatter resulting in fatigue, discouragement, or false hope. God wants our words to be strategically placed. I like placed rather than said, because it is about timing, not just content. We can say the right thing at the wrong time and no one hears what we have said. We can say the wrong thing at the right time and the wrong thing gets put into action. We, as Believers, are listening for the right thing to be said at the right time so the kingdom of heaven is released into a situation and God's will is done.
Father, You are Holy in all of Your ways. I desire to be innocent. I want to listen to You. I want to allow You to speak to me, guide my thoughts and direct my speech. I pray I would be sensitive to know what information to share and when to share it. I pray I would know the difference between what I need to speak out loud to others and act is a matter of prayer before You. I do not want to steal someone's thunder, by sharing their information. I do not want to speak for someone, when another needs to speak. I pray for boldness for the one You are wanting to share. I pray they would push away doubt, confusion and insecurity. I pray they would pick up confidence in Holy Spirit, clarity in Christ and security in You. I pray we would be people who listen to You and speak when You say to speak in Jesus' name amen!
A Warrior in the Lord’s Army,
Veridee Joy Hand
Join together as Believers in Jesus Christ to pray and to push back the enemy as we release God’s power here on earth. If you have any questions please feel free to make a comment or private message me. If you would like this to come to your email directly please go to verideehand.com and subscribe.