Warriors Arise: May 13th, 2020
A few days ago the Lord was revealing some really interesting Scriptures, tying them together with where Mary is emotionally, what things are going on in her mind and heart in John 20:11-13. What Mary is experiencing seems pretty similar to the Scripture shared in May 9th, prayer strategy. I said Hosea 9:7, but it is actually Hosea 8:7 (I apologize for the mistype)
"They sow the wind, and reap the whirlwind..."
As Scripture verifies, the events leading to Jesus' death on the cross was a complete turn of events. Just days before they were hailing Him as King of the Jews as He came into Jerusalem riding on a colt. Then temple guards are sent to get Him from the Garden of Gethsemane. Jesus is questioned throughout the night in a secret meeting, turned over to Pilate who turns Him over to Herod, who returns Him to Pilate. Do you see the wind turning into a whirlwind? Pilate's wife warns him to not take part in this. But Pilate is the official, he is in charge of settling matters in the city. Pilate sees a way out of this travesty, He knows there is something unusual about Jesus. He offers up another solution. Let the people decide. He will give them a choice. He brought out a murderer. Surely the people would not want this murderer to go free. Surely, the reports of all Jesus had done, the healings, miracles, and teachings, would result in them declaring Jesus to be freed. Do you see the wind turning into a whirlwind? What possessed the people to shout, "Crucify! Crucify!" This situation was out of control. Jesus was fully submitted to the Father's plan. More than ever, He could see before Him that the people needed a Savior. He must endure the cross for them to see the truth. All He had done wasn't enough; all He had healed wasn't enough; all He had fed wasn't enough; all He had taught wasn't enough. He had to make the sacrifice. He had to be the sacrifice so they would know the truth.
One day's prayer strategy related to a wind turning into a whirlwind in the life of Job and his wife in Job 1-2. The devastation of all they lost, not in a lifetime but in a matter of hours! And then again with the life experiences of what Job and his wife were going through in Job, 1-2. Here is what caught my eye in the whirlwind Job and his wife experienced and why Mary returned to the tomb and looked inside. Mary is positioning herself to receive something from God. In the midst of her pain, while the truth is still out there somewhere, when her mind can't focus, when her eyes cried a thousand tears and her heart shattered; only God can be what she needs.
"Then the LORD answered Job out of the whirlwind, and said:" (Job 38:1)
Oh my! Step back. What did the LORD speak from? God spoke out of the whirlwind! We have no idea how long Job's friends had been counseling him, but God had had enough. I love Job 38 to the end of the book. I get so sick of the advice his so-called friends gave him. It makes me sick, mad, and indignant toward them. Yet, too many times I, myself have thought: "They are going through this because of their sin." That is until I understood that sometimes bad things happen so we can take a stand against the hateful plans of the enemy, which the devil had brought to bring havoc into our lives, to cause us to hate one another, and to blaspheme God.
Once I recognized our place as God's beloved, I recognized God wants us to thwart EVERY plan of the enemy by our righteous acts. Righteous acts do not mean I always do the right thing, it means that I act in the righteousness of God when I believe, without wavering as Abraham, that God will follow through on His promise (Hebrews 10:13). God is for us. When we embrace this, then we understand, "Who can be against us?" No one! Not even the enemy! If we will just take a stand and believe God, walk in the power of His righteousness, we can be free from the whirlwind that is tossing us to and fro. God will make a way out. Are You positioned to hear from Him? Job tore his clothes, wiped ashes on himself, endured the accusations of friends, and was silent before the Lord. He didn't invite his friends. They invited themselves. Job positioned himself to hear from God. Mary returned to the tomb. She knew Jesus was already gone, the first angel had told her. But just maybe, the angel would speak to her of where to find Jesus. Mary positioned herself to hear from God.
"Then they said to her, "Woman, why are you weeping?" She said to them, "Because they have taken away by Lord, and I do not know where they have laid Him." Now when she had said this, she turned around and saw Jesus standing there..."
Warriors, Jesus will come. We are going to pray today for those who are caught in whirlwind to be made free because they position themselves as Job and Mary. They do not seek the counsel of people but of the Lord God Most High. The only one who can calm the whirlwind is God. This pandemic is a whirlwind no one but God can stop. We need to hear His voice. The LORD will answer out of the whirlwind.
Father, this isn't just a promise, You did this! You answered out of the whirlwind Job was facing. Jesus, you met Mary, drawn by the desperation of her tears. I pray we will ask and keep on asking. Mary returned to the tomb the second time, prepared to ask questions. I pray we will converse with You in prayer. I declare we will not get swept up in the whirlwind of the media, fears from friends and family, caught in the pointing of fingers. No matter who the enemy used to put his plan into action, we know it started with the enemy of our soul. He wants people to die before they accept Jesus as their Lord. So, we pray today for salvation to come to all mankind. The Bible tells us when the thief is found he must repay double, seven times or all that he has. God, I approach You as the Judge over mankind, not that I am without sin but I come as Your daughter because Jesus is my Savior. I ask not just for double the salvations of those whose lives the enemy ended short because of the coronavirus. This was so evil, I'm not asking for seven times the salvations to replace those who lives were cut short but I want the full restitution. I want all the people in the world to know the love You have for them. I want them to know You sent Your Son so they would not have to live eternally in hell's burning flames and crawling worms. The enemy has lied to them and told them hell would be a party. But it isn't and it won't be fun. It will be miserable beyond belief. I petition You as Esther petitioned the king. I ask for the lives of my people, the lives of those who are lost because of the lies of the enemy. My request is for my people, each and every human being to defend themselves against the lies of the enemy and be free because they have confessed their sin and professed Jesus as their Lord and Savior. I pray we will position ourselves to seek You and keep seeking You. I pray we will not waver. I declare we will believe You will meet us and lead us out of the whirlwind. I pray we will knock and keep on knocking, because You will answer those who will seek Your face. Today, I seek Your face. Keep my mind focused on You. Keep my mind on the Word of God for this time to get each one of us out of the whirlwind. Open my eyes to see You and what I need to do, how I need to pray. Open my ears to hear what You are saying. Many are trying to grab my attention and lead me astray with accusations of who is responsible for the coronavirus but I know it is the enemy. He desires nothing more than to see people die before they come to know You as their Lord and Savior. May this whirlwind stop in the mighty name of Jesus and the greatest revival ever known light the way of truth in Jesus' name amen.
A Warrior in the Lord’s Army,
Veridee Joy
My hope is for Believers in Jesus Christ to join together each day to pray, to push back the enemy as we release God’s power here on earth against the coronavirus. The prayers will be listed each day as Warriors Arise. I will put a date with it so we can keep them straight. If you have any questions please feel free to make a comment or private message me. If you would like this to come to your email directly please go to verideehand.com and subscribe.