Warriors Arise: September 12, 2020
John 21:4-6 (NKJV) But when the morning had now come, Jesus stood on the shore; yet the disciples did not know that it was Jesus. 5 Then Jesus said to them, “Children, have you any food?” They answered Him, “No.” 6 And He said to them, “Cast the net on the right side of the boat, and you will find some.” So they cast, and now they were not able to draw it in because of the multitude of fish.
When God starts to work His miracle in your life, He intends to bring it to completion (See Philippians 1:6). Arguing this fact is arguing with God. It's like you are telling Him He is a liar. So do you believe that what He started in You He will bring to completion?
The disciples became a part of a miracle because they did what Jesus said to do, even though they did not know who was telling them. They were easy to lead. Each of us must ask ourselves, "How easy is it for God to lead me?"
When was the last time you are certain God led you to do something? A couple of days ago, I shared on Warriors Arise that Moses would not know that it was God who sent Him to bring the Hebrews out of slavery until he returned to the mountain with them. Most of us start here. We don't know God is leading us, until it all works out as God said it would.
Another thing to note in Moses' experience, he returned to the place God commissioned Him and worshipped God. I imagine when Moses went up on the mountain he was eager to share all that had happened since they last spoke.
Moses: I can't believe we made it!
God: It was a long journey.
Moses: Yes, but I can't believe we are here! I nearly had a heart attack when Pharaoh's magicians could make their staffs turn in to snakes too! Afterward they couldn't find their staffs. What happened?!?
God: Your staff, that turned into a snake, ate their staffs that turned into snakes.
Moses: Really!? Ha!
Think of the conversations between God and Moses when he returned to the mountain.
Moses: I thought I had to use my staff to release Your power, but one time I extended my arm and spoke and the plague still happened. It was amazing to feel Your power moving through me!
God: I am proud of you Moses, under all the pressure from Pharaoh and the Hebrews you did as I directed. One day My power will flow through all of My people.
Moses: When darkness came over the land of Egypt and Goshen was in light, it was freaky! I was walking in light and then darkness closed me in. I have no idea how I returned to Pharaoh's palace.
God: Even in the darkness I was with you.
Have you been in a situation where many people were depending upon you. There was an enormous about of pressure for you to succeed. I remember feeling electrified, like electricity was zipping through my being. I remember coming home and sharing with my husband all that had happened. Even when I was done telling about everything, I still felt the excitement from the stressful situation working out better than I had ever imagined. I knew God had not only showed u,p but He showed out in my situation and through me. I began praising Him for it surely could not have gone so well if He had not been involved.
Some may think it is prideful to talk about it. And it can become a thing of pride when we think we did it all on our own. But when we use it as a testimony of what God can do with a willing vessel then it glorifies God. The individual will get recognized but keep in mind, if they had not included God then they would not be a part of the success. Talking about the win God has been a part of, is not only ok, it should encourage others to listen, follow and contribute to what God has positioned you to do. God is the high scorer on the team, but the whole team contributed for the game to be played. God needs teammates and He is asking you to be on His team. He wants us to share about the victories you and I have had with Him because when we are in a difficult situation again, we will remember Who we need on our team. No Christian is to go through a difficult situation without God. Moses was sent without the presence of God, but He didn't go without the power of God. You may not always feel the presence of God but you can see where He sets you up to score, to succeed in what He has called you to do. His gives you the ability to overcome any obstacle. He gives you the wisdom for the best way to handle any situation. He gives you the confidence to do what He has equipped and called you to do. He gives you the strength to persevere to its completion.
What if the disciples threw the net, pulled on it and said, "We can't pull this in!"? What if they decided to release the net because it was too difficult? They were too tired? Didn't the guy on the shore know they had been up all night. Since He knew where the fish were, He should have known how tired they were. He should have known they didn't need all these fish. Just a enough to eat and a few extra.
You might be surprised how many times we complain about the way a miracle came into our lives. It may surprise you even more, how many times we complain about it being more than we wanted to handle. A video I do not want to see when I get to heaven would be the one(s) where I rejected the miracle because I didn't want to have to do my part of the miracle. I didn't want to put forth the extra effort to pull the fish into the boat because I knew how much every muscle in my body would ache from the effort. Can you imagine? I am sure I have turned down being a part of God's team, releasing a miracle into a situation where I needed His help all because I wouldn't put forth the effort.
God wants to do life with each one of us. As we do life with Him, He calls us to do great exploits. When the miracle starts be sure to be ready to finish it. Jesus told them where to cast the net, the disciples had to do the work to see the miracle fulfilled.
Father, the miracle You have started in my life I pray I will be faithful to put in the time, effort, and abilities to bring it to fulfillment. I pray my heart would be loyal to Your calling. I pray my actions would be ready to do as You say. I pray my words would speak faith into what You have started. I pray my mind would be determined to continue with You through the completion of the miracle. As with Moses, there will be a series of miracles, one right after the other. You desire for each of us to release the power of God within us to achieve the miracles You have released into our lives. I ask for You to give me boldness to step forward and do as You lead. I ask for courage to step into what You have for me. It is Your desire for Your people to overcome the enemy. It is Your desire for people to be set free from captivity. I ask in the name of Jesus for those captive to the mindset of race wars to end. I pray each mind would know Your love and each one would act upon Your love. I pray for each person to know You and have confidence that if there is vindication needed. You will step in because vengeance is Yours. You can make a way for each one of us to succeed. I pray each one will say yes to You and Your leading. I pray they will hear You and cast their net where You have said. I pray each one will not quit but put everything they are into receiving the fullness of the miracle You have for them in the name of Jesus amen.
A Warrior in the Lord’s Army,
Veridee Joy
My hope is for Believers in Jesus Christ to join together each day to pray, to push back the enemy as we release God’s power here on earth against the coronavirus, riots, and lies. The prayers will be listed each day as Warriors Arise. I will put a date with it so we can keep them straight. If you have any questions please feel free to make a comment or private message me. If you would like this to come to your email directly please go to verideehand.com and subscribe.