Warriors Arise: July 13th, 2020
John 20:21-23 (NKJV) So Jesus said to them again, “Peace to you! As the Father has sent Me, I also send you.” 22 And when He had said this, He breathed on them, and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit. 23 If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained.”
"If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained" - the lesson from the cross - "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do." Jesus who had been beaten beyond recognition, given a false trial, lied about, whipped with the cat of nine tails, had a crown of thorns beaten onto His head, humiliated when they took His clothing before He hung on the cross, and then priests mocked Him as He hung on the cross. REMEMBER to forgive others their sin so they can know the freedom of Christ.
Many would say love is the most powerful weapon and I would say it is close but I still hold forgiveness as the most powerful weapon. I can forgive someone even if I don't love them. I may never love them but after I have forgiven them I have a sense of freedom which allows me to be free of any ill feelings toward them in regard to how they had wronged me. I can love someone but be deeply hurt by what they did or said to me or about me, and yet harbor resentment and unforgiveness in my heart.
Harboring unforgiveness in my heart begins to poison me; body, soul and spirit. The ship of unforgiveness should never be docked at the harbor very long. While unforgiveness is docked make sure you load every ounce of the wrong done to you. Do not keep any of the wrong done to you. Load it all up on the ship. Then speak forgiveness and send that ship sailing. Do not harbor unforgiveness.
If that ship of the wrong that has been done to you continues to remain docked in your heart and mind it begins to grow like toxic waste. As the toxic waste expands it brings damage to other areas of your life. Scientifically, studies have shown that people with unforgiveness have physical problems, mental problems, instability in relationships, and failure to achieve their potential; but that isn't even the worst of the problem with unforgiveness.
The worst is not being forgiven for the wrong you and I have done to others. Generally, it is easy to identify someone who did not forgive and allowed the ship holding the wrong done to them continue to be docked, attached to every part of their life. These are also people who are very difficult to connect with. The poison of unforgiveness not only stands between the two of you but can begin to affect your life.
Jesus got up on the cross because He loved us. He was and continues to have been the perfect sacrifice for our sins. From the cross, He demonstrated another lesson we all need to apply. What He said is a demonstration of what He did. In Luke 23:34, in the midst of one of the criminals hanging on a cross next to him spewing hatred and unbelief toward Jesus, the chief priests challenging Him to come down from he cross and prove Himself as God, and the people laughing and mocking Him, Jesus still could keep Himself clean, without hate, remaining free from sin to His death when He pronounces, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do." Amazing! In the midst of all His physical pain and depletion of strength, Jesus is able to keep His mind focused on His mission. The salvation Jesus offers all people is an act of love because He could forgive us of our sin.
Years ago, my mom sent me a recorded message about forgiveness. It was something she heard on the radio. As much as I didn't want to admit that I had ships of wrongs done to me docked throughout my life, I needed to hear the message and apply it to my life. I had tried to avoid the ships of wrongs docked in my life but ultimately they were seeping poison into other areas of my life. I had kept the ships of wrongs thinking they were a guaranteed way to protect myself. But I couldn't have been further from the truth. Each ship carrying a wrong that had been done to me began to poison my life. I listened to the tape my mother sent me countless times. Each time I listened, I checked the docks to see if I had any more ships of wrongs.
It was difficult to go to the docks and look at each ship. I didn't want to feel the pain and the presence of the ship brought such heartache. It had been years since I had cried. I had become hard as a rock, but Jesus wanted me to be vulnerable. Rather than protecting myself, which I never could. He wanted me to trust Him to protect me. Even though He couldn't prevent the actions and words of others; He could help me to apply the most powerful weapon to destroy the wrongs from having any hold on me.
The power of forgiveness allowed me to cut the mooring ropes and send the ship of wrong away. One by one, ship by ship, I forgave individuals of the wrongs they had done. Many of them I did not speak to, because bringing up something that had happened years before wouldn't benefit them. I know very few who want to be reminded of something they did or said that hurt someone else. So, as I looked at the ship, walked through the wrong, I forgave them. Then I sent the ship to sea. Sometimes the enemy wants to bring the ship back but I tell him, "It is not my ship anymore." I will not give him a docking permit.
On the flip side of this, the Lord allowed me to see ships of wrongs I had done to others. It wasn't pleasant but it was important. I began seeking the Lord to be forgiven for the wrongs I had done to others and asked if He would remove ship of wrong from their docks. Some of the wrongs had been years old. As much as I didn't want to take responsibility for the wrong I had caused, the Lord reminded me of the ships I used to have docked and how long they had been there. I had to be mature, and maturity means I had to take responsibility for the pain I had caused others. I sought the Lord to be forgiven for the wrong I caused in the lives of others. I prayed He would heal their pain and remove the ship from their dock.
Then there were others who I had to actually go see and others I had to call. Just a few, but I still had to make things right personally. I learned from this process that just saying sorry only reveals what a sorry king of a person I was. I learned to apologize by specifically saying what it is I was apologizing for. Then I had to follow it up with I was wrong for... I learned this helps a person to begin their healing process and hopefully forgive me for the wrong I had done them. Finally, I ask to as for be forgiven. Literally, say the words, "Will you forgive me for the wrong I did to you?" or "Will for forgive me for the pain I caused you?" No matter how much pain they may have caused me, I had to take full responsibility for my part of the conflict.
Real freedom is trusting God to protect me and having the strength to stand at the dock, "You cannot dock here, I have forgiven you."
I do not say those words out loud but I say them in my heart. I do not let my heart hold on to a hurt. Many times people do not hurt others intentionally; therefore, I was going to stop being wounded. I realized the enemy wants division and many times he will try to make something out of nothing. The individual wasn't trying to hurt me so I wasn't going to give room for the enemy to dock a ship of wrong that was irrelevant and cause me harm. To be free is to be forgiven and extend forgiveness.
Father, I do not want to retain wrongs that have been done to me. I ask for You to come and walk with me down to the docks. I ask for You to prepare my heart to forgive any wrong that is docked there. I ask for You to come and give me the strength to cut the mooring ropes and set the ship to sail. I forgive the wrong that was done to me. I forgive the hurtful things that were said about me. I ask for You to speak truth to me. I ask for You to reveal to me my part of the the conflict. I ask to have the courage to accept my part of the conflict and make things right. I ask for You to guide me in how to right the wrong. I ask for You to make a change in me so I do not repeat the same offense. I trust You to guide me and give me courage to take ownership of the wrongs I have committed again others. I seek forgiveness from You. I ask for You to make a change in me. I desire to be a blessing to others. I do not want to be a person who causes pain to others. I desire to be one who brings joy and encouragement. I reject a life of division and receive a life of celebrating the gifts, talents, and personalities of others. I pray You would come and reveal to people all over the world the power of forgiveness. I pray the revelation of forgiveness would apply it to their lives immediately. Come and minister the power of forgiveness to restore Your people in Jesus' name amen.
A Warrior in the Lord’s Army,
Veridee Joy
My hope is for Believers in Jesus Christ to join together each day to pray, to push back the enemy as we release God’s power here on earth against the coronavirus. The prayers will be listed each day as Warriors Arise. I will put a date with it so we can keep them straight. If you have any questions please feel free to make a comment or private message me. If you would like this to come to your email directly please go to verideehand.com and subscribe.