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Writer's pictureVeridee Hand

The Touch of God, part 3

Warriors Arise: July 17, 2021

Genesis 2:20-22 (NKJV) So Adam gave names to all cattle, to the birds of the air, and to every beast of the field. But for Adam there was not found a helper comparable to him.

21 And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam, and he slept; and He took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh in its place. 22 Then the rib which the Lord God had taken from man He made into a woman, and He brought her to the man.

God not only formed man out of dirt but He made woman from the rib of a man. I wonder what else He used? There is a tremendous amount of study to be given to the fact that woman came from the rib of man and what God wanted us to get from this purposeful action. However, sticking to the The Touch of God, I want women to realize God made us with His hands. He did not speak us into being like He did the world we live in. We were not an after thought. He needed man to see he needed a partner in life to join him in what God had given into his hands to do.

There are times when we are not grateful for the gift we have been given until we see the need for that gift. God wanted man to value woman. Especially with man given the position to lead his household, the one to cover, protect, and care for his wife. Man needed to see the value of the gift God hand made for him. Eve was the one God hand made for Adam. Adam needed to value her as a rarity. She was his one-of-a-kind. There was no other creation in comparison to Eve. No one and nothing could replace her. No one and nothing could complete him like she could. No one could fill his need like she could. No one could support, encourage, build up, and speak life into him like the gift God had given him. The gift of woman is to bring completion to man.Obviously man could life without his rib but God took one rib and gave so much more in return.

The gift of woman, hand crafted by God and given to man. God never intended for Adam to take dominion on his own. He was to rule with his wife, by his side.

Together, they would complete one another.

Together, they would take dominion over the earth.

Together, they would fulfill the purpose God placed inside each one.

Together, they would lift each other up and call forth God's destiny within each one.

Together, their purpose would be fulfilled.

Together, he was to see she was the only one for him.

When God brings you a gift, you don't go looking for something else. Know the gift God has given you is exactly the gift you needed to complete you in every way. Using His hands, God fashioned woman from the rib of man. Then He presented His masterpiece to for man. Man is to know, the touch of God gave him ball beyond anything else He had spoke into existence from the nothingness, the void in space. Woman is to know, the touch of God took something from man that would only make him complete agains if he received, honored, valued the woman God gave to him.

I have heard people say, "One touch from God would make all the difference", yet they fail to see He has already touched their life. He has already made a difference. Maybe when recognize the first time the touch of God was upon our life, we will see all the other times the touch of God came upon our life.

Father, I ask for You to come and make man aware of the gift he has been given through his wife. I ask for You to make woman aware of the love You have for her. She is not second ate, she is the connecting part to the purpose You have placed within man to be made complete. You touched our lives and we have been made complete. You touched our lives and we are strengthen to life each day. You touch our lives and we know we are significant and have been created to fulfill the purpose You placed inside. I will love You and appreciate who You have created me to be. I embrace Your touch upon m life as I walk is the fullness of who You say I am and the purpose You have placed upon my life. I will listen for You, look for You and commit to your ways in my life. I am fearfully and wonderfully made in Jesus' name amen.

A Warrior in the Lord’s Army,

Veridee Joy Hand

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