Warriors Arise: October 12, 2021

Matthew 9:27-30 (NKJV) When Jesus departed from there, two blind men followed Him, crying out and saying, “Son of David, have mercy on us!” 28 And when He had come into the house, the blind men came to Him. And Jesus said to them, “Do you believe that I am able to do this?” They said to Him, “Yes, Lord.” 29 Then He touched their eyes, saying, “According to your faith let it be to you.” 30 And their eyes were opened.
My mind is trying to comprehend two blind men finding their way around the city to get to Jesus. Scripture does not tell us anyone helped them. Somehow before Jesus left Jairus' house the two blind men were outside waiting for Him. I love the fact that they pursued Jesus. I imagine them waiting outside Jairus' house like lions approaching their prey. Not a sound came from either one of them. They might have even been silencing all the people in streets and those coming out of the house. They were quiet because they wanted to hear as soon as Jesus and that came out of the house. They didn't know if there was a back way out of the house Jesus might take; therefore, they need all of their hearing sensors to be working. I imagine there was some tension as people would pass by and speak too loudly. They needed to hear when Jesus would be coming their way and if not, they needed to know which way He went. Would there be a shout when the girl was healed? They had come this far, they were not going to miss this opportunity. They knew Jesus was in the house. They would wait like lions wait in the perfect position to get the prey.
Can you imagine the concentration? They didn't want just any information. They needed specific information. They knew Jesus was in the house. They would let Jesus do the miraculous and heal Jairus' daughter, but then it was their turn. They would pursue until they came face to face with Jesus. They were listening for a servant and had asked the servant to let them know as soon as Jesus left the house and which way He went.
When we are in a desperate situation, it requires a desperate, strategic, intentional action. These two blind me were desperate. Maybe Jesus had been to their city before, but they hoped and prayed Jesus came to them, passed their way. Maybe Jesus had come a number of times to their city and they had heard of all the miraculous works He had done. This time, they were going to pursue Him at any cost. This time they were not going to hope and pray Jesus come their way, but they were going to go find Him. Maybe they had tried this before, but couldn't get a clear direction on which way to go; therefore, Jesus was gone before they reached Him. But not this time. They would pursue like David pursued the Amalekites in 1 Samuel 30. When faced with the devastation of seeing his city in ruins, burned to the ground, his wives, children and all their possession taken, David inquired of the Lord. God told David to pursue, overtake and recover all. These two blind men would pursue Jesus, over take Him and recover their sight. David had lost the trail in pursuit of the Amalekites and found an Amalekite servant who was sick, but was able to direct them to to where the camp was. These blind men surely lost the track a couple of times but found someone to give them a little more information to get them back on the trail to Jesus.
Why did the blind men purse until they found Jesus? Look at Matthew 9:28 And Jesus said to them, “Do you believe that I am able to do this?” They said to Him, “Yes, Lord.”
They believed Jesus was able. Therefore, they were desperate to get His attention, to be standing right in front of Him, that He had responded to their cry, and that He would not stop them.
Father, I am encouraged by these two blind men. They had the tenacity to press past the obstacle and go after their miracle. I ask for that tenacity. I desire to find You. I want to have the boldness to keep calling after You. I want to position myself in front of You and make my request known. I ask for a resolve to not let You pass by without being touched by You in Jesus' name amen.
A Warrior in the Lord’s Army,
Veridee Joy Hand
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