Warriors Arise: September 2, 2022
1 Samuel 18:5-6 (NKJV) So David went out wherever Saul sent him, and behaved wisely. And Saul set him over the men of war, and he was accepted in the sight of all the people and also in the sight of Saul's servants. 6 Now it had happened
When I read the words, "Now it had happened", it makes me ask, "What happened?" Because something had already happened. With the way it is written, something bothered someone and the pot is about to boil over. Somebody is about to get burned, which is going to cause something to happen.
Most of us have been in a situation where we have done exactly what we were told to do. We did it very well, people were pleased, and we were accepted by those we were serving. Everyone seemed happy and satisfied at the time, but then we were notified that someone needs to speak with us because something happened. Makes my pulse quicken thinking of a few situations. I was totally blindsided, because I had no idea what could have gone so wrong since everyone seemed to be so pleased.
This is also why our standard for excellence should not be based on human standards. What we do, we do for the honor and glory of God. We do things for people, but we do them to honor God. Because when the pot boils you have to know if you were the one who caused the pot to boil or if it was someone else who tried to "cook your goose."
When a situation is brought up, I can be crushed by a scathing comment or the knit-picking of fault-finders. I have to take the matter and what was said into my time with God. Since what I was doing or had been assigned to do was done to please Him, His review is the one I am most concerned about. It isn't that I do everything perfect. I make a lot of mistakes. Sometimes I do not have all the information or I am in training, so there has to be some grace. However, when I am wrong or have done something wrong, I do want to know: 1) How can I serve people well? 2) Am I willing to listen to what they want or are expecting from me? I have to be willing to hear and open to make a changes if it is in my capabilities.
How do you respond when someone is about to call you on the carpet? You might not even have a clue they are upset with you. You might not even know what the meeting is about and all of a sudden you find yourself in the hot seat. David had no clue something was about to go down. Everyone accepted him, well everyone except Saul. Jonathan accepted him, the people accepted him and the servants accepted him; but in Scripture, we do not read that Saul accepted him. Saul gave David responsibilities and assigned him things to do because Scripture tells us, "David went out wherever Saul sent him." This is in reference to wherever trouble was spotted with the Philistines or Saul could have been sending David to push the Philistines off of their land and slowly take it back. We do not know what Saul was seeing David to do, but we do know the women of the town were singing that David had conquered and killed.
According to Scripture, David was doing everything right. He was doing exactly what Saul had assigned to him to do and everyone accepted him. He couldn't possibly know what "had happened."
Father, I ask for You to come. There are times I am blindsided. I do my work as unto You, I serve the people well, and they accept me. When I make what I do about me or others, without putting You first, will You come and make me aware. I want what I do to bring You honor. I want how I speak to people to be a blessing. I want to serve well. If I am not serving to please You then I can't be giving others my very best. I want to serve others well, those I serve under and those I serve with. I ask for You to bring the truth in areas I need to learn and see better. I pray You will be glorified in what I do, my words and how I respond when I am called on the carpet. I pray I would listen carefully to what is being said and allow You to bring the correction needed. May my actions and service bring You honor and glory all the days of my life in Jesus' name amen.
A Warrior in the Lord’s Army,
Veridee Joy Hand
Join together as Believers in Jesus Christ to pray and to push back the enemy as we release God’s power here on earth. If you have any questions please feel free to make a comment or private message me. If you would like this to come to your email directly please go to verideehand.com and subscribe.