Warriors Arise: November 2, 2020

We need to deviate from our regular plumbline text. I want to share something the Lord revealed to me months ago. It is probably the final push the Lord gave me to begin writing this prayer blog. To see it through, I would need more than me; I would need the agreement of other believers to release God's outcome.
Leviticus 26:7-8 (NKJV) You will chase your enemies, and they shall fall by the sword before you. 8 Five of you shall chase a hundred, and a hundred of you shall put ten thousand to flight; your enemies shall fall by the sword before you.
You will
You shall
You shall
That is pretty clear that when the enemy comes we have a responsibility. We are to remove the enemy and if we fight together then our victories are multiplied. The math works in our favor. These two verses are stated in such a way that they are a reality for those who apply it. They are a promise to Christians to pray together in faith believing God will act as He said He would do. He said that you and I will chase our enemies and they shall fall by the sword before us. That is really good news! He said when five of us chase the enemy then a hundred will fall before us. He goes on to say when a hundred Christians pray in unity against the plans of the enemy ten thousand will be put to flight, our enemies will fall by the sword before us. That is great news!
When we pray together there is power in our numbers. When you are a part of a group that is praying, the enemy will try to convince you not to engage in prayer. But God speaks to you, puts on your heart the things He is concerned about and He expects you to pray. Pray to Him and as you speak out others can agree with your prayers and add their prayers of agreement. This is why I write Warriors Arise. Together we will send the enemy packing or the enemy will die by the sword of the Spirit.
The enemy has called us to the battleground. He calls out to Christians, "Will you fight today?"
In 1 Samuel 17, David, who one day becomes the King of Israel, heard the taunting of the enemy and his heart would not let him ignore, hide, or run away. Goliath came out and rebuked the Israelites for their cowardliness. But David would not have it. David's brothers tried to top him and send him away. They made fun of him. David stood up to his brothers. Word got back to King Saul and he summoned David. Saul tells him he is too young. But David shared how he killed a lion, a bear and how God would deliver him from the hand of the Philistine. Saul, relents and blesses David, "Go, and the LORD be with you!" David proceeds to kill Goliath and then the rest of the Lord's army rushes in to kill the remainder of the Philistines. David made the first kill but rest of the army joined him. We do not hear that he killed anyone else that day but he killed the one who was in the way and the enemy fled with the Israelites in pursuit. What David did seems too good to be true.
God has called us fight together against the enemy. I believe if we will pray throughout our day we can make a difference tomorrow.
God knows the hearts of all people. He knows who will follow His plan and work to accomplish it. Pray they are elected. I do not believe you even have to put a name, because we want the person in government with God's heart. This will also cover all government positions up for elections across the United States. For this to become a reality tomorrow is a really big ask and too good to be true; but if we will pray together God can.
God knows where the enemy is at work, planning to bring further destruction to Americans, our livelihood and our country. Therefore, pray God would thwart the plans of the enemy. They enemy will not be able to be organized and will not have influence over people. For this to become a reality tomorrow and the days to follow is a really big ask and too good to be true. But if we will pray together God can.
Father, You are everything we need. You empower us to release Your kingdom here on earth. I thank you for all You have done to protect us and provide for us. I thank you for the appointment of Justice Amy Coney Barrett. I pray the U.S. Justices will work together to remove the laws that have been put into action that do not line up with Your Word nor Your heart. I ask for You to hear our prayers and move on our behalf. You know the heart of every person seeking a government position. In some places there are not Christians running. In the places where there are Christians running for office, those who want to establish rule according to Your ways, I ask for You to make a way for each one to be elected. I pray You would guide them, give them wisdom and courage to do what is right in Your eyes. I pray You would speak to them and they would follow Your lead. I pray they would seek You with all their heart, with all their soul and with all their mind. I pray their personal desires would not get in the way. I pray their will would not supersede Your will. I pray their mind would be submitted to You. I am asking for a miracle. I am also seeking You for the safety of our people in America. I pray You would thwart the plans of the enemy. I ask for You to release peace that surpasses all understanding. I pray You would bring a calm to the storm. I pray You would cause people to turn their back on the enemy and set their face toward You. I pray they would recognize the lies of the enemy and be tired of him. I ask that they would turn to you and desire to know the truth and to live by it. I pray for You to right the wrongs that have been done through the ballots. Come and be present tomorrow. Protect Your people and set our feet on the Rock of our Salvation in Jesus' name amen.
A Warrior in the Lord’s Army,
Veridee Joy
My hope is for Believers in Jesus Christ to join together each day to pray, to push back the enemy as we release God’s power here on earth against the coronavirus, riots, and lies. The prayers will be listed each day as Warriors Arise. I will put a date with it so we can keep them straight. If you have any questions please feel free to make a comment or private message me. If you would like this to come to your email directly please go to verideehand.com and subscribe.