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Writer's pictureVeridee Hand

Wake up! Selah We Love You!

Warriors Arise: November 12, 2020

I will never forget singing to Selah when she was a newborn. Abigail, Josiah and Lydia enjoyed watching the Franklin cartoon we had on VHS. There was an episode on Springtime and Franklin was trying to wake up Spring. We substituted Springtime for Selah and made the jingle just for her. When I would need Selah to wake up to nurse I would get the children to sing to her.

Waaake up! Selah we love you!

Waaake up! Come on Selah let's have some fun!

The children would sing to her until her little eyes were following them around the room. Those were precious times! She is still slow to wake up, unlike her little sister, Charis, who starts talking as soon as she wakes up.

Sleep is necessary for human survival and thriving in our health physically, mentally, and emotionally. However, too much sleep can cause the best of us to be irritable, sluggish and lead to being stagnate.

A couple of days ago, I shared this statement, "As Christians we are to be watchful, alert, and awake. These are all words used in the Bible as a warning that the enemy is coming." We can get bored with life even if we are upper busy. We find ourselves running from one thing to the next, but not really enjoying all we are a part of. Many times we can be so busy we are actually asleep in our mind, we aren't really tracking with where we are; because our mind is not engaged. Even though our eyes are open, our mind is not awake. Much like a watchman on the wall who has been there for a few hours. They are no longer alert or anticipating anything to happen. They are looking but do not see. Their mind is asleep.

Matthew 13:13-15 (NASB) Therefore I speak to them in parables; because while seeing they do not see, and while hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand. 14 In their case the prophecy of Isaiah is being fulfilled, which says,‘You will keep on hearing, but will not understand; You will keep on seeing, but will not perceive; 15 For the heart of this people has become dull, With their ears they scarcely hear, And they have closed their eyes, Otherwise they would see with their eyes, Hear with their ears, And understand with their heart and return, And I would heal them.’

Honestly, this is a scary passage to read. I don't even want to be in a place where I see but do not see, hear but do not hear. This reminds me of a time when I would read my Bible out loud and get to the end of the chapter and think, "What did I read? I have no idea!" I remember hearing myself say the words; therefore, my eyes must have been seeing the verses but I had not recollection of what I read nor what I heard. It was unsettling. How unusual for my eyes to read and my ears to hear but because my mind was thinking about something else, I had no idea what my eyes saw and my ears heard. I remember re-reading a passage three times until I saw what I was reading and heard what I was saying.

I had to discipline my mind to stay awake to the Word of God. I told my mind, "I am going to read this again and again until I know what it is saying. No matter how many times you wander, if I don't know what I just read I will read it again." I had to discipline my mind to stay awake, alert and listen to God revealing His Word.

There are other times I would read my Bible and fall asleep within the first few verses. It would be a solid sleep. But it cost me time with God. There are times when sleep is the best thing a person needs especially if you are someone God speaks to in dreams. But when you have set aside time to meet with God and learn from His Word, the enemy would love nothing better than to find you sleeping. I learned what time was my best time to meet with God and read my Bible. I wanted to be awake. I didn't want to sleep through "class". I needed to understand God's ways. I need wisdom that I would only get through knowing God in His Word. I wasn't going to have understanding or wisdom if I continued to fall asleep during my God-time. Not only did I need a time when I would be awake but also position myself to be attentive. When I was in school I liked to sit at the front of the class. I didn't want to get distracted. So, during my God-time I positioned myself to be ready to listen and take notes. I planned on God telling me something; therefore, I always had my journal and pens laid out next to my Bible. This helped me to be intentional about not only paying attention to what I was reading, but listening as God spoke life through the Scriptures and made them apply to my life. I would journal how the verses intertwined with situations in my life. I was right down as the Lord revealed things to me. This helped me to be accountable to what He had said and follow through what what He was leading me to do.

When I am not intentional in my time with God, I can return to sleeping during class time. I double down and diligently read every word seeing, hearing, and listening to God apply it to my life.

God is calling America to wake up. It is not time to be lulled asleep by the lullaby of lies. It is not time to let our mind wander during the battle. A mind that loses focus in battle no longer has a body to control. We are to position ourselves to advance the line, to take back what the enemy has stolen. We are not to yield any more land, business, or baby to the enemy. We are to watch for the deception and threats of the enemy, take a stand, keep alert to the wiles of the enemy, and intentionally stay awake. This is not the time for Christians to sleep. This is a time to pray to God, rebuke the enemy, declare the plans of God, and take back what the enemy has stolen from us. It is time for babies to live the life God dreamed they oddly fulfill. It is time for righteousness to be restored to the land. It is time for honor to be given to those who have served us for the freedoms we enjoy. It is time to honor those who keep us safe within our borders. It is time for prayer to return to the schools. It is time for history to be taught without being tampered with. It is time that we care where people will spend eternity. It is time for God to reign in America. Let revival come to America, righteousness be restored, and families to be united in Christ.

Father, You are what we need. We need to hear Your voice. In the name of Jesus, I ask for our ears to be open to You. I ask for our minds to be awake. I rebuke the enemy who has lulled us to sleep when we needed to know what You were saying. I loose my mind and the mind of every America to be awakened to Your voice. I pray we will each identify Your voice as truth and embrace all that You say. I ask for ears to be open, truth to be received, and action to be taken. I pray for sleepiness to go in Jesus' name. I ask for awareness of Your presence and to follow Your lead. I ask for those who will be and currently are counting the ballots to be led by You. You would not allow Balaam (Numbers 22-24) to curse Your people. Every time he tried to curse Your people a blessing came out of His mouth. God, I ask for You to lead the people who are counting and recounting the ballots. No matter what is in the heart of the people counting, that they would not be able to cheat. They would have to tell when a ballot is duplicated or invalid. They would not be able to allow it to count. I pray each one would be led to pull out every ballot that is invalid. I ask for their eyes to see the truth. I pray they would be compelled be honest. I pray they would quickly identify all invalid ballots and ballots that were filled out by someone other than the name the ballot represents. I ask for You to give courage to the counters to do what is right in Your sight. I pray they would have a conviction upon them to no longer associate with the deceiver; but they would chose to align themselves with You. I ask for Your perfect love to cast out all fear. You will protect them from anyone threatening them. You will protect their families. We will stand, watch, and pray for Your kingdom to be advanced here in America in Jesus' name amen.

A Warrior in the Lord’s Army,

Veridee Joy

My hope is for Believers in Jesus Christ to join together each day to pray, to push back the enemy as we release God’s power here on earth against the coronavirus, riots, and lies. The prayers will be listed each day as Warriors Arise. I will put a date with it so we can keep them straight. If you have any questions please feel free to make a comment or private message me. If you would like this to come to your email directly please go to and subscribe.

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