Warriors Arise: June 3rd, 2020
Jesus has joined the two men walking to Emmaus. They are trying to work out what has happen in Jerusalem, to Jesus. Jesus has not made Himself known to them yet. He asked them a question and if they are sad.
"Then the one whose name was Cleopas answered and said to Him, "Are You the only stranger in Jerusalem,, and have You not known the things which happened there in these days? And He said to them, "What things?" Luke 24:18-19a
Jesus lived it so why did He ask, "What things?" There are times when I teach, I ask a question I already know the answer to. The reason I do this is because I want to know what those in the class know. If I always give the answer before they have time to respond or share what they believe, then I do not know where they are in their relationships with God. Just because people go to church, doesn't mean they are saved. However, we naturally think that because people come every Sunday, they are saved by grace. Jesus is the only one Who can extend grace to remove our sins in order for each one to be saved.
When Jesus asks you and I a question, it is not because he doesn't' know the answer. It is because He wants to know what we know, what we believe, where we stand. These two start off well, but then they need Jesus to bring clarity.
"So they said to Him, "The things concerning Jesus of Nazareth, who was a Prophet mighty in deed and word before God and all the people, and how the chief priests and our rulers delivered Him to be condemned to death, and crucified Him. But..." Luke 24:19b-21a
They were doing really well until the "but." Jesus had tried to tell His disciples a number of times that He would have to die on the cross. They hadn't accepted what He said, because just like the Priests, elders, Pharisees, and Sadducees, they wanted Jesus to be like earthly kings. Jesus had to be so much more than an earthly king.
I remember a song I love, it has a line, "kings and kingdom will all fall away but there is something about that Name. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus..." The disciples couldn't see that people, all people, needed a Savior. Too many times people will give up what they really need in order to have what they think they need. The Jews wanted to be out from under the oppression of the Romans. They wanted more than being healed from diseases, delivered from demons, cleansed of leprosy, and the dead raised. Jesus demonstrated the power of God's love as He healed, delivered, cleansed and brought to life. It introduced them to God, His Father, the One who created them. Problems will always be here on earth because we embrace sin and make excuses for it. They needed One who could remove sin permanently. That One is Jesus. When Jesus walked the earth, He was here to fulfill the requirement for our sin-debt. Until Jesus fulfilled the requirement for our salvation, He demonstrated how to live victorious over the enemy.
The disciples did not really know why Jesus had to die on the cross. Ask Your self the following questions:
Do I understand why Jesus had to put aside His deity to become human?
Do I understand Jesus had to die on the cross?
Do I understand why Jesus had to be raised three days later?
Do I understand why Jesus had to return to heaven?
Because Jesus defeated the devil with God's authority and power, we would know how to defeat the enemy when he attacks us.
If Jesus had not died on the cross He would not have been the sacrifice need for our salvation. Without salvation we couldn't be in relationship with God. Without relationship with God we could overcome the enemy.
If Jesus had not been raised, then the guards would not have witnessed the stone being blown away, the women would have anointed His body, His burial would have been complete, and the Bible and His Word would not have been validated.
If Jesus had not returned to heaven we would not have the Holy Spirit. Jesus was man. He was limited to be in one place at one time. People had to know where He was and come to Him. When He returned to Heaven He sent the Holy Spirit, who can be with each and every believer, as well as make the love of God known to all mankind.
Father, thank You for sending Jesus Christ to demonstrate how we can defeat the enemy who seeks to steal, kill, and destroy mankind. Jesus loved all people, so much He willingly gave His life. He could see through the pain and knew it would be worth it. He gave up His life for each and every one of us. I ask for You to come and demonstrate Your love to all people. I know You hear my prayer. I know You are speaking to each an every person. Open ears to hear You above all the clatter of the world and the reasonings in their minds. Open eyes to see the division demonstrated is because of the evil in the hearts of people. I pray each one will take responsibility for what is their heart. I pray each one will recognize the things they are thinking upon, the unforgiveness that leads to anger, and damage they are causing to others is not helping. You desire to see each one overcome the enemy who is lying to them, putting them in danger and creating turmoil in their homes, community, and countries. I ask for You to send Your Holy Spirit to each one. I ask for ears to be open to hear the voice of the Father and the love of His Son and the Holy Spirit's counsel. You always lead us into triumph. I pray each one would recognize the sacrifice You made and embrace You today. I ask for You to break through the barriers that are keeping people from hearing and responding. I ask for You to intervene today, make Yourself known, settle the hearts of people, and for each one to contribute to the solution instead of adding to the problem. We think we know what is really going on; we think we can fix a problem that only You can fix. We think we have the answers when You are the one with the positive solution. We cannot be educated enough. We can only yield to the leading of the Holy Spirit who leads us into triumph. I pray for You to come and demonstrate Your love and lead us in righteousness in Jesus' name amen.
A Warrior in the Lord’s Army,
Veridee Joy
My hope is for believers in Jesus Christ to join together each day to pray, to push back the enemy as we release God’s power here on earth against the coronavirus. The prayers will be listed each day as Warriors Arise. I will put a date with it so we can keep them straight. If you have any questions please feel free to make a comment or private message me. If you would like this to come to your email directly please go to verideehand.com and subscribe.