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Writer's pictureVeridee Hand

What Does That Look Like?

Warriors Arise: May 26, 2023

Matthew 2:9-11 (NKJV) When they heard the king, they departed; and behold, the star which they had seen in the East went before them, till it came and stood over where the young Child was. 10 When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceedingly great joy. 11 And when they had come into the house, they saw the young Child with Mary His mother, and fell down and worshiped Him. And when they had opened their treasures, they presented gifts to Him: gold, frankincense, and myrrh.

What would it look like for you to rejoice with exceedingly great joy? Let's try to put ourselves in their place. These wisemen had been pursuing this star approximately two years. That is a long trip. They are glad to be out of the saddle and their feet on the ground. I wonder if they stood a little distance away and watched the star stand over the young Child for a time. It would seem when they saw the Child, he was outside, yet we see they go into the house. I would think after traveling so long and having a picture in my mind of what He would look like, His mannerisms, and what He would be wearing, they were taking in all they were seeing of the Child. They had gone to Jerusalem and expected to see the King of the Jews. They had expected Him in royal robes, jewels and crown. They did not expect a Child running around playing with homemade toys, in the dirt. Picture a Child, two years old, playing. What would he be playing? What would find his interest? Would he be looking at rocks, playing with the animals, scooping up the dirt and making piles? When they saw Him, they knew. They knew because the star stood over Him. I wonder if Jesus realized the star and went running into the house to Mary? This caravan of men and servants had stopped and watched Him. Then a star shone over Him, that would make about any two year old run to His mother.

The wiseman see the Child as the star stood over Him and they rejoiced with exceedingly great joy. What a wonder! They had found the new king of the Jews. They found something no one else had. Two years or more they had been traveling, envisioning this moment. It was so simple, that their minds probably had a difficult time grasping it. Then as they realize this truly is the Child, they began to explode with joy and rejoicing. Have you experienced that kind of joy? This kind of joy comes from a heart that pursued and didn't give up on what they knew to be God leading them to a specific place, for a specific purpose, in order to honor a specific person, His Son.

Have I experienced that kind of joy? Have I rejoiced with exceedingly great joy?Have I pursued God until I found what He positioned before me? Have I gone to the place God was leading me? Have I known the purpose for which I was to go? Have I honored the people in the place God sent me? If so, then there should have been rejoicing with exceedingly great joy. What did that look like for me to be rejoicing with exceedingly great joy? Can I allow myself to rejoice with exceedingly great joy? Have I allowed myself to rejoice with exceedingly great joy?

Father, I desire to understand the times I am to pursue You without hesitation and have the tenacity to continue where You are leading. I desire to rejoice with exceedingly great joy in accomplishing what You have put in my heart to do. This is an amazing celebration. They found the One most weren't even looking for. They found who Herod couldn't find. I pray I would not allow others to discourage me from what You have put in my heart to do and that You made my mind aware of. I pray I would continue to seek You and follow Your every move. I pray I would have the tenacity to pursue without turning aside or quitting. My heart's desire is to go where you go and do what You would have for me to do. The great rejoicing in knowing I have gone exactly where You would have me and have done exactly what you wanted. My heart would overflow, probably even burst with joy. I will seek You, follow You and do as You have directed in Jesus' name amen.

A Warrior in the Lord’s Army,

Veridee Joy Hand

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