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Writer's pictureVeridee Hand

What if?

Warriors Arise: 11th, 2020

The first time Mary encounters an angel in the tomb she says nothing. The angel tells her, Mary, and Solame, "Do not be alarmed." The angel proceeds to try and keep them from passing out and verifying that he is not to be feared, and then gives them a message to deliver to the disciples and Peter (Matthew 16:4-8) Now Mary has returned to the tomb, following Peter and John. They marvel at what they find (or don't find) and head home. Mary remains behind. As her heart breaks into a thousand pieces, her thoughts are shattered by all the devastation of the past week, and she finally looks into the tomb again. This time she see two angels! One is sitting where Jesus' feet would have been and the other where his head should have been. These angels ask her a question and she is able to respond. We see a different Mary from the early morning trip to anoint Jesus in the tomb, to when she follows Peter and John, to finally when she receives another message. (John 20:3-13) Mary might have remained at the tomb, because she was hoping someone with answers would be there. That is a possibility; because this time she speaks to the angels, there is no reference to her being alarmed or afraid. Through her pain, she wants answers.

Sometimes our tears can bring us to the end of ourselves. I have been in serious life-threatening changes. I wept, the pain on the inside of me was tremendous. I called out to God, which was followed by long periods of silence. Thoughts would be rolling in my head and at the same time the pain would be so great, like my heart was being squeezed and my brain crushed. In these life-threatening circumstances I really couldn't speak. I was calling on the name of Jesus or God to ease the pain... but thoughts were so strong, heaviness so great, I thought I might explode if God didn't intervene. After a solid cry, the thoughts would stop, and I would be wiped out emotionally and physically. But then, God would come and do surgery on me, taking the thoughts that were causing despair and filling me with hope. His love met me right where I was, in all my weakness and frailty. His love restored my soul, healed my body, and strengthen my spirit.

When we know God will meet us in all our distress, discouragement, and heaviness of heart, we know we can trust God. In the midst of the chaos and devastation we can walk through with peace that surpasses understanding and find the joy of the Lord which gives us strength. When we trust God will bring us through, we are not arrogantly accusing and shaking our fist at God. We do not respond blasphemously toward God and or harshly toward others. Our trust in God will position us to receive the answer we need to be restored and healed. When we do this, I picture the enemy madder than a hornet; because God's people will not curse God.

Yes, I believe everything that happens passes through the hand of God. What if God's people approached Him as the enemy did in Job 1 and 2? What if we went into God's throne room and asked big, like the enemy did? What if we asked how we could thwart the enemy's plans of devastation? What if God had responded to us, "Have you considered the enemy. There is none like him on earth; none that lie and deceive like him. No one who hates Me, My people and what I have created, like him? The enemy knows his power is second to Mine and yet he continues to manipulate, deceive, and torment My people. He causes My people to blaspheme Me without a cause." (My thoughts on God's instruction to us if we were to approach Him in His throne room about the enemy as in Job 2:3.)

"Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need." (Hebrews 4:16)

Have you gone to the throne room of God? Have you talked to Him about what the enemy is doing in your life, the lives of those around you and in our world? One of the reasons you and I were put on earth is to torment the tormentor. The enemy cannot stand us because we are made in the image of God. When he sees us...he sees God! Isn't that incredible?!

Remember a time when you were in conflict with someone and you couldn't even stand to see their face! Their face may came to mind and you got angry. The enemy hates all humans, even those he controls. He despises us; because we have something he will never have. We are made in the image of God AND we all of have a chance of redemption! That is a reason to celebrate!

Every time a human being turns back to God there is forgiveness and restoration; the enemy knows he will never have the chance to be restored to his position in heaven! He forfeited it all when he turned from his purpose (leading the angels in worshiping God to worshiping himself). Then leading a rebellion of one-third of the angels against God. They not only didn't win, they will never get the opportunity to be restored to their heavenly, God-designed positions. God didn't want them to rebel; they did it all on their own. God didn't want one-third of the angels deceived by Lucifer; but they had a choice. Love is not love if you are not given a choice.

Lucifer and his demons chose to love themselves more than God. Our enemy today is still lucifer, satan, the devil, father of lies (he goes by many names) and all the demons he leads. They didn't get freedom. They became slaves to a harsh master, who operates from a position of hate, rather than serving the God of peace, who is filled with joy, and radiates love. What if we pray for people to embrace God's plan for their lives so they walk in peace, filled with joy, and radiate God's love?

Father, I pray for people all over the world to recognize the choices they have. They have an opportunity to return to where they last knew You to be; and if You do not appear to be there, they can call out to you right where they are. I ask for people to seek You in this time. I pray each one would seek to know Your plans for their lives. I pray they would ask You and not be overtaken by the deceptions of the enemy. Paul often wrote in his letters to the churches, "do not be deceived". I pray for people to know the truth of Your peace during this time. I pray for each one to boldly approach You, as Your favored child and ask for direction from You. I pray those who have lost jobs will find better jobs. I pray for those who have lost retirement plans to seek You for the return on every penny the enemy has stolen through this pandemic. I pray for those who have had promotions put on hold to return to work and find their promotion awaits their arrival. I ask for Your people to come to the end of themselves, all their worries, heartaches, headaches, confusion, and fear. When they do, I ask for You to meet them. I ask for their ears to be open that they would hear the plans You have for them. I ask for clarity of thought and hope to be restored as they follow Your leading. I pray for each one to torment the tormentor because they walk in peace knowing You are protecting and providing for them. You are making a way when there seems no way. I pray they have the boldness to embrace what You say to them and walk in the paths you have laid out for them. I pray they will remember the Word of the Lord coming to them during the pandemic. I pray they remain on the path where You have placed their feet. I pray they will be ready to meet You; that they will not be afraid or be alarmed but will be prepared to hear Your voice and respond in agreement with Your plan in Jesus' name amen! Change can be difficult and it generally comes because of an incident or chaos in our life. You will use this terrible event to open up doors Your people would have never seen. No one can walk through a door they have never seen. Thank you for thwarting the plans of the enemy by meeting with Your people in the midst of the devastation and walking them out. I ask for people to position themselves in front of You so they can hear the new thing You have for them. I ask for each one to remain, listening to Your every word. I pray they will rise again and walk in the fullness of Your power to walk in the new path You have opened up for them in Jesus' name amen

A Warrior in the Lord’s Army,

Veridee Joy

My hope is for Believers in Jesus Christ to join together each day to pray, to push back the enemy as we release God’s power here on earth against the coronavirus. If you have any questions please feel free to make a comment or private message me. If you would like this to come to your email directly please go to and subscribe.

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