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Writer's pictureVeridee Hand

When He Says It Like That!

Warriors Arise: February 8, 2021

Daniel 5:22a (NKJV) But you his son, Belshazzar

You know Daniel is wanting Belshazzar to listen. (Belshazzar is actually the grandson of Nebuchadnezzer. His son abdicated because He did not worship the gods of Babylon an moved away. And he was rejected as king, His son was promoted to king in his place.) The way Scripture reads reminds me of when I was in trouble and my parents used a different tone and didn't just say my name but prefaced what they were about to say by saying my name. When they did, gig's up, I knew it was not going to go well for me. A verdict had been reached and I had been found lacking.

I wonder how many of us ignore what others have said about what God did in their life, like Belshazzar ignored what happened to Nebuchadnezzar? Years ago I realized if I learned how God dealt with others and how He administered discipline I could make sure I didn't receive the discipline if I didn't do what they did to get the discipline. We can learn from the mistakes and sins of others without being involved in the sin. We can see the consequences they have to work through. We can see where God pardoned them and brought them through. I choose to see God's involvement in the lives of others, not to judge them, but to learn from them.

I learned this at a very early age. If my parents discipline by older brothers for something I took a mental note and decided I didn't want to do the same thing because then I would get the same discipline. Why be arrogant, thinking I would get out of what I knew they would discipline? I chose to learn what my parents disciplined, as I saw them discipline my brothers. However, that is not to say that I didn't have my own sins. There were plenty of times when I was out of line and they had to administer discipline. But why open myself up to more when I could learn what they disciplined and avoid the issues?

It always bothered me when my dad would say, "This hurts me more than it hurts you." I was thinking, "No way! The the pain to your hand can be nothing like the pain to my backside!"

Then I had children and found myself saying the same thing. As a parent, we do not want to discipline our children, kids, or teenagers. But we do. Why? Because we don't want them to be brats, disrespectful kids, bullies, or irresponsible in their behavior or words. God tells us it is our responsibility to train our children in the way they should go. As parents we teach them the way to follow God and make Him their first priority in life. When we do they will honor and value the lives of others, they will see a need and give. They will see what needs to be done and serve. They will fulfill their obligation and contribute to the success of our society.

There is a sting when Daniel is talking. It is a rebuke because Belshazzar should have known of God and honored God. But he chose to ignore what his grandfather taught him and what he went through. Throughout history lesson Daniel maybe felt he lost Belshazzar's attention so he says, "But you, his son, Belshazzar...". I see heads snap back to Daniel. Maybe they are even wondering how he could speak to the king this way. Maybe Belshazzar had looked away or put his head down and Daniel's word got his attention. Daniel is about to tell him what he was summoned by the king to do. Belshazzar needed to listen.

Father, I seek You today. I want to live my life honoring You and valuing people. I pray You would come and speak into my life. If there is anything You have tried to show me or someone has tried to teach me I ask for You to reveal it to me again. I want to learn so I do not sin as they did. Not in judgement but to avoid the sin. I want You to show me how the enemy lured them into sin and how they embraced sin. I pray they see their sin, repent and be restored to all You have for them. I am asking because I do not want to be lured into sin and misrepresent You. I ask for You to speak clearly, even say my name. I want to recognize Your voice. I know You are not angry with me. I know You want me to live the blessed life You dreamed of me. I know You want me to be free from sin and the consequences of it. I know Your forgiveness brings freedom and healing. I know You are full of love for me. You want me to learn so I do not miss out on the best You have for me. I position myself to learn from You, applying what You are saying and fulfilling what You have called me to do. I place myself before You that if there is any sin I need to be removed from my life that I will quickly repent and ask to be restored in You in Jesus' name amen.

A Warrior in the Lord’s Army,

Veridee Joy Hand

My hope is for Believers in Jesus Christ to join together each day to pray, to push back the enemy as we release God’s power here on earth against the coronavirus, riots, and lies. The prayers will be listed each day as Warriors Arise. I will put a date with it so we can keep them straight. If you have any questions please feel free to make a comment or private message me. If you would like this to come to your email directly please go to and subscribe.

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