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Writer's pictureVeridee Hand

Who is Walking with You?

Warriors Arise: June 1st, 2020

"Now behold, two of them were traveling that same day to a village called Emmaus, which was seven miles from Jerusalem. And they talked together of all these things which had happened. So it was, while they conversed and reasoned, that Jesus Himself drew near and went with them. But their eyes were restrained, so that they did not know Him."

Luke 24:13-16

This part of the verse is so difficult for me. When Jesus draws near and goes with me I want to know He is with me. "But their eyes were restrained, so that they did not know Him." These two men were conversing and reasoning, talking about all that had gone on in Jerusalem. They were talking about Jesus, the very man who was now walking with them.

Cities in America are erupting with chaos. I am outraged about what has happened in Minneapolis. It is despicable! It is wrong in all contexts. No one can justify how the situation was handled. However, rioting is not the answer to the problem. Destruction of people's property and personhood is not the answer.

This pandemic has people on edge and thinking irrationally. It is like a wild animal that has been caged and finds a way out. When it gets out it kills everything in its path. And no, I am not calling people animals but we have been isolated because of this pandemic. The fear of being killed if we are infected with the coronavirus messes with our minds. We all have tendencies when we our rights are violated or we are forced into isolation to feel feisty because our freedoms have been taken from us. When we were in the hospital with Lydia for 78 days in one particular treatment plan, isolated to her room, a very small room. It seemed to get smaller every week. The confinement was suffocating. She and I couldn't wait to get out; it was like getting out of prison with the fear of being put back in if her numbers weren't right. Kind of like checking in with a parol officer and hoping they don't find something that causes you to have to be put back in again. It was awful!

People want to be safe and heard. These two men walking to Emmaus, a seven mile walk from Jerusalem, willingly share all they saw and heard with the man who has joined him. We do not know why they are leaving the city? Maybe their home was in Emmaus. Maybe they were going to tell other disciples what Mary Magdalene had seen. Maybe they needed to get out of Jerusalem to feel safe. Maybe they shared with the stranger so they could feel heard. Sometimes you share what is going through your mind to see if it is as real as what is replaying in your mind. Maybe the disciples were facing similar emotions as people are today with the pandemic. What are we going to do? Will we be next? Will there be anywhere that is safe? How do we get justice for Jesus, the innocent man who was killed?

I have no problem with peaceful protests. We took our kids to the Civil Rights Museum in Memphis last fall. Charis cried, being only 7, she could not understand why people would do such hateful things. Our older kids were angry; they have friends who are black. We lived in the South for over a decade. I am glad my kids were bothered by what they saw. I want them to know history so they are not a part of this type of history repeating itself. They know how to act, respond, and vote. People should be bothered that our history books do no reflect the truth of what black people suffered even a hundred years after President Abraham Lincoln announced the emancipation proclamation. If we are not educated then we are setting ourselves up on automatic replay every time there is a national threat and discord.

Do you see the enemy is trying to tear us apart? Since the 1970's we have allowed abortions. Millions of babies are killed, their body parts sold on the black market and it was okay to kill. A few months ago, the coronavirus was released into society taking the lives of the innocent, most being the elderly. Now, this week the life of a black person taken by a white police officer. Do you see the enemy tearing us a part?

We can get all upset because of color but do you see the enemy at work and the enemy is not a human. The enemy is the devil. We all have an enemy. He is seeking to take lives before they can be saved. Do not allow yourself to be sucked into the enemies plans of division because you let your emotions run loose. Do not put yourself in a position where you are in the wrong place at the wrong time. The enemy is an opportunist and you do not need to be anywhere the enemy could bring harm to you.

See Jesus is walking with you. He is listening to what you are saying about the events over the past week. He wants to know how you are processing all of it. You may not recognize Him in your midst but He is there. I hope you will ask Him to open Your eyes to see Him. When you see Him, I hope you will poor out your heart and distress over the unnecessary death and destruction that has happened in the past week. I pray God meets with you. God wants it to stop and be made right even more than you do. No matter what He counsels or instructs people still have a choice. It doesn't mean He likes the choice they made. It means they didn't trust Him through the attack of the enemy.

Father, I ask for You to come. Peaceful protests are taking place across America. The enemy is pushing people to respond in ways they wouldn't normally respond. I ask for You to rend the heavens and pour Your love upon all people. I ask for You to bring peace and justice to our country. I ask for You to protect the protests. I pray they would walk in peace and not destroy property or harm any person. I pray for each police officer to be protected by Your hand. I ask for each police officer, first responder, and firefighter to be filled with Your peace so they are not in fear of the protestors. I pray for each one to be calm and at peace. I ask for You to intervene. I ask for Jesus to walk with people, with the protestors, listening to what is their heart's concern. I pray He will be heard and help to keep the protestors focused on what they want to accomplish and the best way to demonstrate their position. I pray for each police officer to be walking in peace. I pray they will not be in fear of the protestors. I pray they will not act before they are needed. I ask for You to prevent the chaos, those who are going to the protests specifically to stir up trouble and make it worse. I ask for You to keep them home, away from the protests. I ask for You to reassign any police officer who You know cannot handle the protestors. I pray You would keep the two apart and do not let their paths cross in Jesus' name. Division must leave in the name of Jesus. I pray for people to turn to You and seek You first in all situations. I pray each one to position themselves before You to find the answer they need in this time of distress in our country. I ask for the ears of people to be open so they hear You. I ask for eyes to be open so they see You. I pray for each and every person protesting and the police officers to know You are with them. I ask for You to speak and people to listen in Jesus' name amen!

A Warrior in the Lord’s Army,

Veridee Joy

My hope is for Believers in Jesus Christ to join together each day to pray, to push back the enemy as we release God’s power here on earth against the coronavirus. The prayers will be listed each day as Warriors Arise. I will put a date with it so we can keep them straight. If you have any questions please feel free to make a comment or private message me. If you would like this to come to your email directly please go to and subscribe.

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