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Writer's pictureVeridee Hand

Why Would You Do It?

Warriors Arise: September 6, 2020

John 21:4-6 (NKJV) But when the morning had now come, Jesus stood on the shore; yet the disciples did not know that it was Jesus. 5 Then Jesus said to them, “Children, have you any food?” They answered Him, “No.” 6 And He said to them, “Cast the net on the right side of the boat, and you will find some.” So they cast, and now they were not able to draw it in because of the multitude of fish.

I am still wondering why the disciples would listen to someone who is not in the boat, standing on shore telling them where to throw their net. You have been in the boat all night. You have thrown your net over the right side and the left. You have probably thrown it over every edge of the boat. You are worn out with casting the net and collecting the net with no success. Not even one fish.

You and I know the man on the shore is Jesus. Put yourself in a situation where you have tried everything you know to do and still are unable to accomplish the task, overcome the adversity, or resolve the conflict. So my question is why would you listen to an outsider? Someone not in the boat, not in the situation with you. Why would you do it?

We can be at the end of ourselves and grasping for anyone to help us. We can be vulnerable to try anything suggested. Those who feel superior, never having been in a situation that relates, speak with such confidence, as if knowing all. Why would you do it? Why would you do what they suggest?

We can find ourselves in an extremely vulnerable place when we have tried everything we know to be right, that should work, that has worked in the past. The vulnerability leaves us open to being tossed to and fro as we listen to everyone's opinion.

When I was in college, people used to come and share their situations in life and want my advice. I would listen and ask questions and then give them them options. Because I didn't know everything that led up to this situation occurring; I wouldn't be able to give them just one option. That could be very dangerous ground. One time a person returned to me and told me it didn't work. I was confused. I didn't know what she was referring to. Then she said shared one of my ideas. In the meantime, from when we had talked, until she came back, I had learned that she had put herself in the best of light; while then describing a situation completely different than what she had told me. I knew at that time, none of the options would work. It taught me a lesson. Most people share from their perspective and will generally always share themselves being wronged in some way. We can fail to mention how we may have fueled the fire to cause the situation escalate as it did. God taught me a lesson in this. It was a privilege for people to trust me to come to me with their problems. I was not to be ignorant but use it to give God a place to speak into their lives.

The next time someone came to me, not only did I listen and ask questions, but while they talked, I ask God what He would tell them. He would be able to know things they weren't sharing. He would know things I would never know. He would know how they would use the options I gave. I learned people didn't need my advice they need God's answer.

The disciples had been up all night fishing, they really didn't know what to do. They had four professionals in the boat and still no fish. This man on the shore, no telling how long he had been there, tells them to throw their net on the right side of the boat. Did the disciples see the fish on the right side of the boat? Probably not.

Why would you do it? Why would you take direction from someone not in the boat with you? We have all done this.

What if the disciples couldn't recognize Jesus by His posture, or His voice or His term of endearment, could recognize Him by something within them? The hadn't received the infilling of the Holy Spirit yet, but Jesus has breathed upon them at least two times before sending them out to do miracles, signs and wonders.

Sometime we do not clearly hear God speaking to us; it is a still small voice inside. We are looking for recognition and some cases confirmation, that He is speaking to us, directing our path. Sometimes the strain of the situation, the exhaustion, and our responsibility to others can place us in a position to be unable to hear God speaking to us.

Thankfully, God can get through our exhaustion, settle our frustration, and lift the pressure of others, long enough for us to hear His voice. When we hear His voice, we respond even though we are not for certain it was God. Something in us compels us and we do it.

Why would I do it? Because I have tried everything else. I have run out of options. I can't keep coming up with nothing for my labors.

Why would I do it? Because there is something inside of me that is responding, resonating with the voice I am familiar with, a voice I can trust. I may not recognize it until it works, but then I celebrate God's voice getting through to me.

Father, I ask for You to come. So many people are in a place of distress. Their state is still on quarantine; they can't go to work; no income and fear not only from COVID-19 but also from the rioting and looting, the house stealings and highways blockings. I ask for You to come and speak, speak so each one will do as You direct. People need to know when to take a stand and how. So we look to You and do as You direct. People need to know when to wear a mask and when to leave it behind. Many times the mask causes the fear in others especially children. So we look to You and do as You direct. People need to know the value of each life and how to honor that value. Jesus put the price of His blood on every life. We will look to You and do as You direct to honor all living people. People need to know what You have for them now that governors have chosen to neglect their responsibility and cause death to businesses or the business they used to work for. So we look to You and will do as You direct. People need to know You can make something out of nothing but our government can't. The government can't keep writing us checks without it costing our very freedom. You can open the door, to give a job, a business that will provide for our family. We look to You and do as You direct. We will not fret at what has happened, we will look to You and do as You direct what will happen. You will make a way for us to be free to worship You in Spirit and in truth. You will make a way to Christians to fellowship together, encouraging one another, and strengthening each other with the Word of God. We look to You to lead us to keep the fire of God strong within us and shining out of us for all to see the peace, love and joy of Lord are our strength in Jesus' name amen.

A Warrior in the Lord’s Army,

Veridee Joy

My hope is for Believers in Jesus Christ to join together each day to pray, to push back the enemy as we release God’s power here on earth against the coronavirus, riots, and lies. The prayers will be listed each day as Warriors Arise. I will put a date with it so we can keep them straight. If you have any questions please feel free to make a comment or private message me. If you would like this to come to your email directly please go to and subscribe.

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