Warriors Arise: July 23, 2022
1 Samuel 17:43 (NKJV) So the Philistine said to David, “Am I a dog, that you come to me with sticks?” And the Philistine cursed David by his gods.
Yesterday, I wrote the little elementary banter, someone's comeback to one who was saying mean things, "Sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me." I find that a little funny, because it really could have been written by someone who was reading the story of David and the Philistine. David did not allow the words to hurt him; he allowed them to fuel him. Those words from the Philistine ignited something in David that couldn't be put out. He wouldn't even allow his oldest brother talk him down. When presented in front of the king, he didn't receive his reasons and insult either. David would not allow the words of the Philistine, his oldest brother nor King Saul to extinguish the fire within him.
You and I need to really embrace this. We think David didn't have words that could have paralyzed him.
My brother made me look like an insignificant fool!
My brother told everyone I was prideful.
The king told me I was too young.
The king told me I had no battle experience.
The king humiliated me by making me put on his armor.
David heard words that could have hurt him. Instead he used them as fuel to the fire within. He was more resolved that ever to deal with this Philistine. What David knew that the others couldn't see is that this battle wasn't about his skill or age or the number of battles he had won. This battle was about what God could do through someone with untrained skill, young and no official battle wins. This is how God gets the glory. The more capable you are, the more mature in Christ you become, the more battles you have won, the less people see God being the Victor. They will attribute it to you, your ability and your capability. David was the perfect one to fight the battle for God to get the glory.
You and I can use those words, even from those closest to us as fuel for the fire God has started within us. Family can say the most painful words you will ever hear. But that doesn't mean that what they share is the truth. David's brother had a hint of truth. Yes, David had sheep he tended. But, it wasn't just a few sheep. David's brother said he knew David's heart to be self-serving. He didn't see David was compelled by the Lord. When David speaks to the Philistine we know the battle David is fighting is because of His honor for the Lord.
You and I can use the words of belittling and humiliation that were spoken over us by an authority figure as fuel to the fire God put inside of us. Some can say Saul was trying to protect David, he was just a boy. The truth is, he was young, had no military battle training, and no armor would fit. But God's truth was David was old enough to fight this battle. God had trained him for what he needed to deafest this Philistine and he didn't need the armor; because God was his protection.
We have to be able to identify human truth as differing from God's truth. God is for us and He will give us the fuel we need to ignite the power within us. When David would look back on this day, he would remember what his oldest brother said about him and then recognize God's hand upon his life. He would remember what the king had said to him and glorify God for giving him courage, strategy and a shield of protection. God turned the truths of man into fuel to His purpose and destiny for David.
Are you willing to turn the words others have said about you and to you into fuel? Are you willing to use them as fuel to embrace and propel you to God's purpose and destiny for your life?
Father, You are amazing in all of Your ways. When others want to throw sand to put out the fire You have put in me I will allow Your shield to cause the sand to fall before it reaches the fire. I will not receive the sand, but I will receive it after You have touched it. Your hands will apply the right heat and pressure to turn it into usable fuel, like coal. I will remaining Your shield until those things that were said turn into usable fuel to empower me to fulfill my purpose and battle for my destiny. You have given me a dream more than what I can comprehend. I need You to be active in my life. I will turn to You with the discouraging words others have said and watch Your hand capture those words, apply the heat and pressure to make them usable fuel for my destiny. You are my God and I will know my purpose and life out my destiny in Jesus' name amen.
A Warrior in the Lord’s Army,
Veridee Joy Hand
Join together as Believers in Jesus Christ to pray and to push back the enemy as we release God’s power here on earth. If you have any questions please feel free to make a comment or private message me. If you would like this to come to your email directly please go to verideehand.com and subscribe.