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Writer's pictureVeridee Hand

Would You Run?

Warriors Arise: April 21st, 2020

In Luke 24:11 the women have found the disciples. They are telling them everything they saw and heard when they went to anoint Jesus' body. Luke records, "And their words seemed to them like idle tales, and they did not believe them." I can imagine the women talking all over each other. Girls/women have a way of talking all at one time, especially if something has excited them or made them afraid.

As the disciples are trying to comprehend what the women are saying, Peter is on the run. Peter may be out the door first but John reaches the tomb first (see John 20:3-10). Then in Luke 24:12 it says: "But Peter arose and ran to the tomb; and stooping down, he saw the linen cloths lying by themselves; and he departed, marveling to himself at what had happened."

Does anyone else think that it is a little funny "he saw the linen cloths lying by themselves"? Meaning, there was no body in the linen cloths; they were lying there by themselves. You aren't looking for a wrapped body. You are looking for a body without the linen cloths!

Jesus didn't need the grave clothes anymore. He would leave that whole experience behind because "IT IS FINISHED." If only we were that quick to leave behind the "old things that pass away" and pick up "all things have become new" (2 Corinthians 5:17). Jesus was finished. He would not have to go through death again to save us from our sins. Once was enough. Stop picking up the old, the things God brought you through, unless you are going to testify of what you know He is going to do because of what He has already done. Jesus wanted the disciples to testify of all things they had experienced, what He'd taught them and then do the things they saw Him do.

What has God brought you through?:

Financial situation?





Ask God to remind you of the things He has brought you through. Use that memory to build your faith to bring you through what you are facing right now. This is the power of your testimony. Your testimony, of what God has done, stirs your faith to believe for what He will do in your life now.

Jesus didn't stay in the tomb. Jesus didn't need the grave clothes. But they were a reminder of what He went through for our Salvation, for us to be in relationship with God, to be saved body, soul, and spirit, and to receive the infilling of the Holy Spirit. When you remember what God has brought you through, you have tapped into the power of God to be released for you now. Let's pray together:

Father, I am so incredibly thankful for all the things You have brought me through. The enemy wants me to remember the hardship, the pain, what I missed, and what I could have had if I had not gone through that difficult situation. But You want me to see how powerful You are to restore and make me whole. You want me to see how in my weakness You were strong, present, and encouraged me all along the way. You want me to see that what I thought would be the end of my dreams, only brought me closer to my dreams. You want me to see I didn't face it alone, because You were there with me every minute of every day. You want me to see the hardship did not put me behind, but positioned me to be in the very place I needed to be. You want me to see that the sickness was not a death sentence, but a deliverance. I will not pick up the grave clothes of my past. When I remember how terrible it was, I will remember how awesome You were to get me through, to rescue me, and set me in a place of blessing. The scar is there, but that is my testimony that You got me through.

Father, You are here with us now. I come before You to petition You for the lives of those infected by the coronavirus to be healed in Jesus name. I ask You to comfort the families who have lost someone to the coronavirus. I ask for Your arms to be around them and Your compassion to heal their mind, will, and emotions. I come before You to ask for the cure to the coronavirus to be made known and dispersed to the people quickly. I pray there would not be chaos when the cure is developed. I ask for people to remain calm and for everyone who needs the cure to received it in Jesus' name.

Father, this is a dark time for so many. I pray for You to protect the children at home who are in abusive situations. I ask for You to hide them and keep them safe. I pray for adults to be responsible in the raising of their children, teaching them to be a part of the solution, and to invest in their child's future. I pray a special protection over our food supply from the beginning on the farms and ranches, delivery, processing, packaging, and selling. God You are our the source of life. I am asking for You to keep our food supply and those handing the food to be free from the coronavirus in Jesus' name, amen.

A Warrior in the Lord’s Army,

Veridee Joy

My hope is for Believers in Jesus Christ to join together each day to pray, to push back the enemy as we release God’s power here on earth against the coronavirus. The prayers will be listed each day as Warriors Arise. I will put a date with it so we can keep them straight. If you have any questions please feel free to make a comment or private message me. If you would like this to come to your email directly please go to and subscribe.

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