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Writer's pictureVeridee Hand

Yes, He Said It

Warriors Arise: June 7, 2023

Matthew 2:14-15 (NKJV) When he arose, he took the young Child and His mother by night and departed for Egypt, 15 and was there until the death of Herod, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the Lord through the prophet, saying, “Out of Egypt I called My Son.”

I want you to remember a word you know God spoke to you. This is not something you praise for; but clear as day, you know God put it in your heart and it came from Him. When God says He will do something, He is going to do it. He is not man that He should lie (Numbers 23:18). There is a difference between our praying for something and God telling us He is going to do something. When God says it, He will do it.

Here in the second chapter Matthew, we see God fulfilling what He said would be done. Three different things, are being fulfilled.

Matthew 2:5-6 So they said to him, “In Bethlehem of Judea, for thus it is written by the prophet: 6 ‘But you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah,

Are not the least among the rulers of Judah;

For out of you shall come a Ruler

Who will shepherd My people Israel.’ ”

Matthew 2:15b might be fulfilled which was spoken by the Lord through the prophet, saying, “Out of Egypt I called My Son.”

Matthew 2:17-18 Then was fulfilled what was spoken by Jeremiah the prophet, saying:

18 “A voice was heard in Ramah,

Lamentation, weeping, and great mourning,

Rachel weeping for her children,

Refusing to be comforted,

Because they are no more.”

God said it hundreds of years earlier and now is the time for His word to be fulfilled. These prophetic words were spoken into the future. They did not happen in the time in which these prophets lived. Just because it didn't happen in their lifetime, doesn't mean they were wrong. Then we can look as several others who had specific words from God like Moses, David, Samuel, Job, Abraham, Simeon, and Anna at the temple. They were given specific words and what God told them came to pass, became a part of history in their lifetime.

When God speaks directly to you, He will fulfill it. There are two different types of words from God. One word from God can't be stopped. He said it; therefore, it will happen. However, several times a word from God is dependent upon the recipient. For instance, when Gabriel came to Mary and told her she was favored among women. I think Mary had a choice. She could have said, "No, not me. What would people say? That would be shame upon my family, upon my parents. What will Joseph think? I can't do this." The Bible doesn't say that the name of Jesus' mother would be Mary. It says His mother would be a virgin. A spoken word from God is like a gift. You can choose to receive it or not.

Today, I am searching my heart and asking God to remind me of any specific words He has spoken to me. I am going to position myself before Him and wait. If there are any unopened gifts, I want to receive those gifts today. I want to stop living with less than what God has for me. Even if they do not seem like a blessing to begin with, they will produce His goodness in my life. His goodness in my life and yours will feed the hopeless and give them hope, it will feed the hurting and give them joy. It will feed those who hate and give them love. It will feed those who are in need and they will have more than enough. It will feed those who are weak and give them strength. It is the goodness of God in me that gives others hope to receive what God has for them. I want to wear His goodness well. It isn't about making me look or feel better, although those things will happen automatically. It is about making God look good. Too many of us hide God in our lives. People should be able to see God in our lives and through our lives. We are not to hide God under a bushel. We are to be a city on a hilltop. This is not arrogance; it is Scripture. How will people see God if they can't see God in us?

Father, I ask today for You to shine through me. I ask for You to remind me of the words You have spoken directly to me for my life. I will wait. I will listen. I am ready to say yes. Come and remind me of the Words You have spoken to me. I will rejoice over the ones that have already come to pass and I will position myself to partner with You for the fulfillment of Your Word that has yet to come to pass in Jesus' name amen.

A Warrior in the Lord’s Army,

Veridee Joy Hand

Join together as Believers in Jesus Christ to pray and to push back the enemy as we release God’s power here on earth. If you have any questions please feel free to make a comment or private message me. If you would like this to come to your email directly please go to and subscribe.

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