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You and Me

Writer's picture: Veridee HandVeridee Hand

Warriors Arise: May 7, 2023

Genesis 1:24-31 (NKJV) Then God said, “Let the earth bring forth the living creature according to its kind: cattle and creeping thing and beast of the earth, each according to its kind”; and it was so. 25 And God made the beast of the earth according to its kind, cattle according to its kind, and everything that creeps on the earth according to its kind. And God saw that it was good. 26 Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.” 27 So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. 28 Then God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.” 29 And God said, “See, I have given you every herb that yields seed which is on the face of all the earth, and every tree whose fruit yields seed; to you it shall be for food. 30 Also, to every beast of the earth, to every bird of the air, and to everything that creeps on the earth, in which there is life, I have given every green herb for food”; and it was so. 31 Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good. So the evening and the morning were the sixth day.

(Oops! I posted them out of order.) Why did God create a sustainable world? He created it with you and me in mind. He always knew there would be an Adam and Eve. He always knew there would be man and woman, created in His image. I remember three years into marriage telling my husband, "I think I am ready to consider one baby."

I was a little different than most, because I didn't catch baby fever and have the inner need to have a baby. My logical brain knew having a baby meant my life would be forever altered. I knew the responsibilities of taking care of a baby. I was not as concerned about that as I was about laying my desires down to make sure I was the mother this baby would need, in order to become who God created them to be.

I believe before day one, God was already thinking of mankind. With our first baby, we turned a spare bedroom into a nursery. God had an expectancy for mankind. He created a place where life could be sustained. He put in it everything mankind would need to live and enjoy living. Think of the last time you were at the zoo. Everyone loves going to the zoo. God created each one of those animals and billions more. They are for sustaining life and our awe and wonder of what God has done. But from the rising sun to its going down and among everything living, He has one part of creation He is most proud of: It is you and me.

The earth is our nursery. He prepared ahead of time for us to have everything we needed for our delight, growth, appreciation of what He provided for us and special times of connecting with Him. Think of what you do in the nursery. It is a place of fun as the baby learns new things. It is a place of peace as you cuddle your little one on your lap, reading to them or rocking them to sleep. It is a place of preparing for the day and all that will happen that day. It is a place of nurture, change and growth. It is a place where the baby gets fed. When God created Earth, it was in preparation for you and me, like parents prepare a nursery for their baby on the way.

God was thinking of you and me. You are valuable to Him. He wants to relate with me and you. He wants to hold me and you when we are hurting and need comfort. He wants to encourage you and me to take our first step. He wants to clean you and me up from the mess we made and get us ready for what He has planned. He wants to do life with you and me. One day we will be with Him in heaven but today, He wants to be with you and me on earth. He created this to be a place of interacting with Him, a place we could be fruitful and multiply, a place where those who know Him will tell others about Him. God created this wonderful place for you and me to prosper and commune with Him.

Father, so many wonders in this nursery You have created for me. I haven't seen them all but I look forward to each adventure to learn more of Your creation. You are amazing and Your ways are so very good. I cannot comprehend all that You have created for me. I am humbled by Your desire to make things just right for me and then You can make things just right for others. I didn't do anything to earn this. You gave this to me and all Your people because You love us. You want the best for each one of us. You have made sure we have everything we need and so much more. Thank You for all You created for my needs and pleasure. You have thought of everything. Nothing is missing. I am not in want for anything. I praise You for all You have given to me and the live You have breathed into my lungs. I will worship You and praise You all of my days for this wonderful gift in Jesus' name amen.

A Warrior in the Lord’s Army,

Veridee Joy Hand

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