Warriors Arise: March 27, 2021
Daniel 6:16 (NKJV) So the king gave the command, and they brought Daniel and cast him into the den of lions. But the king spoke, saying to Daniel, “Your God, whom you serve continually, He will deliver you.”
Part of the king trying to find a way out of the decree might have been that he didn't want to have the finger of God show up and write him message on the wall. I am sure he heard what had happened. Remember, when the sun rose the next day, the day after the writing on the wall, Belshazzar was dead and Darius was the new ruler. Darius would have seen the writing on the wall. He might have even asked for the interpretation. Maybe someone had said, "Daniel interpreted the writing." He might have even asked to have Daniel brought before him to validate the writing.
We don't know what happened because it isn't recorded but one would think Darius would have seen the writing on the wall and wanted to know what it said. One thing would have led to another and most likely he learned of Daniel's involvement. We do not know if he and Daniel were friends but Darius might have a sense of holy reverence toward Daniel because of how his God uses him to interpret such enigmas and such.
In the same sense, he didn't want to do anything to offend Daniel's God because he didn't want to see what Belshazzar saw on the eve of his death. Darius might have been pretty sure, this was going to put him at odds against Daniel's God. Darius had to give the order to cast Daniel into the lion's den. Whether Darius was looking for a way out because he and Daniel were friends or his respect for Daniel we do not know. However, I would think he was uncertain of how Daniel's God would respond if he didn't try to do something. Even though he didn't purposefully want to kill Daniel, he did sign the decree.
Daniel 16:6...But the king spoke, saying to Daniel, “Your God, whom you serve continually, He will deliver you.”
I am astounded by the king's words. They are filled with honor and faith. He honors Daniel by saying, "Your God, whom you serve continually". Daniel is in this predicament because he served God even when his life was a stake. He didn't hide it, he opened his windows toward Jerusalem three times a day, without fail. He did this even when he knew the king had signed the decree which would lead to his death. The king recognizes Daniel is faithful to his God. He honored Daniel in speaking his continual service to God. This is pretty incredible for Darius to boldly speak this forth. It reveals Darius has been humbled by Daniel's faithfulness to his God and if he was in pride when his governors approached him about this decree, he no longer felt the need to be prayed to above all others. He recognized, he is not god. He can't answer prayers. He can't even change this decree. God is not bound by the decree of man. So the reality, Darius is not a god, he is only a man bound by the laws of the land just like anyone else.
When I say the king spoke words of honor and faithfulness, they are of Daniel and God. The king was counting on, believed, and declared, "He will deliver you." As Daniel had shown honor and faithfulness to his God, the king was releasing God to show honor and faithfulness to Daniel. Just as much as he was speaking to Daniel when he declared,
“Your God, whom you serve continually, He will deliver you.”, he was also speaking to God.
There are times when we want to help someone, we want to defend them, we want to intervene but we can't. When you come to the end of what you can do, how do you respond? Just because you don't have the authority to change the decision, the finances to pay the bill, or the manpower to accomplish the needed task, doesn't mean your part is done. Do you believe as the king? do you do all that you can and then invoke God to act? Do you believe God will act on their behalf as Darius believed God would intervene for Daniel?
In all honesty, do you evaluate a situation so quickly that you don't even offer a prayer up on their behalf?
Maybe you decide, "They're in this mess on their own choices...".
Maybe you don't declare for them because you don't believe God is powerful enough to change the situation?
Maybe you don't pray because you don't believe God cares about one person?
Why don't we believe for the impossible?
Why don't we invoke God, no doubt, fully believing He will act on their behalf?
Father, You are amazing! We have no idea if Darius had seen Daniel or other Hebrews do the miraculous. His faith in God was based upon Daniel's faithfulness to God. When someone sees me in need, desperately needing You to intervene, would they be compelled to invoke You to act on my behalf because they know I believe You demonstrate Your love and power for Your people in impossible situations?...Honestly, I don't know. I ask for boldness to believe for the impossible. I ask for courage to pray exactly what Your word says, speaking forth your promises and releasing Your kingdom here on earth. I ask for You to remind me of the miracles You have already done in my life and those around me. I want to be stirred up by reminder of Your demonstrative love. Your love is active. Your love is tangible. Your love reaches down from heaven and picks me up out of the mire, setting my feet on solid ground. You are my God and I will honor You. I will be faithful to release Your kingdom here on earth. I will believe and extend the fullness of Your love to others. I will take a stand to do what is right in Your eyes rather than seek approval from people. You are my God and there is no other in Jesus' name amen.
A Warrior in the Lord’s Army,
Veridee Joy Hand
My hope is for Believers in Jesus Christ to join together each day to pray, to push back the enemy as we release God’s power here on earth against the coronavirus, riots, and lies. The prayers will be listed each day as Warriors Arise. I will put a date with it so we can keep them straight. If you have any questions please feel free to make a comment or private message me. If you would like this to come to your email directly please go to verideehand.com and subscribe.